Battle List Idea.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RedKangaroo, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. I feel that the battle list could be the heart beat of KAW! Yet with all the X2-X3 ebs out's not really worth hitting it.

    My idea~

    Make the Battle List X2

    It would promote PvP war.
    Some of my best friends on this game, are from BL hits.
    It's fun to hit ebs...but it's more fun to hit things that can hit back!

    Just an idea :)
    Please tell me what you think.

    This is my main!
    I know I'm a noob.
    I know I have bad grammar.
    I'm sorry if this isn't a new idea ( I'm not on forums a lot)
  2. Your right this is not a new idea, although it should be used; but in the revenge of the war beast thread kaw admin said battle list in not in the top of their objectives but will get to it down the road.
  3. Support!Hansel comeback!
  4. Presented many times before, not gonna happen
  5. I wish it did happen though :(
  6. But you wouldn't want more than 10b out xD
  7. They should do x3 gold TVP to make gold from used pots not x3 mith drop
  8. I think its stupid how battlelist isn't their top priorities, like what the **** is Kingdoms at War coming to?
  9. My response from kaw_admin was:
    (Not verbatim)

    We have not looked into that idea yet and any updates to the battle list won't be coming in the near future. But we do plan on making improvements to the battle list

    To see it for yourself, look at post from kaw_admin about Revenge of the Warbeast. He responds to me around page 6 -20. Can't remember it first hand.
  10. Right now devs are focused on EE
  11. Just put me on everyone's battle list
  12. **** EE, its terrible now anyways
  13. Page 11. And page 13. Are the pages you can find kaw_admin's responce to double or tripple gold pvp/battle list

    It is in the Questions/Suggestion section.
    Thread is, Revenge of the Warbeast.
  14. I tried guys. Only thing I know to do is catch kaw_admin active again and just keep asking. (By multiple people.) To try to push this and keep threads like this in active topics.
  15. lol devs are focused on xstal/nob sales. If you can work into the idea how they can make more money, you have a winner :)
  16. I like the idea if having a BL list that pays better. It would encourage PvP, and, since you must hit off the BL to get the extra cash, it makes alt abuse difficult.

    Now that I've stated this, regrettably, it cannot happen. The way the programming is set up, the server cannot distinguish between a regular attack and an attack off the battle list. There is now way for the Programming to determine how you are selecting your targets.

    And, before the proposal is made to just make every PvP action pay more, I would shoot that down. Making every PvP action pay more is way to easy to abuse with alts and OSFs, so I can't get behind that.

    My advise is to use your EBs to grow and gather resources, then use those resources to damage your enemy. 
  17. I read the post by kaw_admin, it's seems like they are looking in to it... We will have to wait and see how near the "near future" is :)

    Oh...and keep whining about it in forums.

    I'm guessing epic battles are more of a money making idea for them (I'm not dogging on them for needing to make money.) I know I would be less inclined, to crystal up for the battle list...I would wait for normal regains.

    Who here remembers a time before EBs? When you would hit someone off the battle list 3-4 times...they would get'd post their wall, tell them to "grow a pair" and you'd spend the rest of the day farming each other.

    I miss those days!! I think X battle list might bring that back
  18. my fav part is he looks like a big eb person
  19. Oh and moose, to counter alts, it would only pay from bl, not visiting a profile
  20. @ Moose that is very regrettable :(
    But I understand the problem... It's makes sense that the program would have difficulty distinguishing. Thanks for the enlightenment!

    P.S. looking for me in your news...I still own you a friendly hit or two ;)