Base HTE plunder drop

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by xAnnabellex, Sep 20, 2016.

  1. Let me start this off by saying #Farys4Lyf
    In all seriousness however, many people in my clan as well as friends I have pm'ed have noticed a disproportionate drop in HTE plunder.
    Before you all start crying "PROMO IS FINISHED YOU NUB",thanks for the heads up now go crawl back to whatever Cave you came from.

    Exemplar 1:
    Between Promo and otherwise, there was too big a drop for a measly 77% increase. Before the end of Promo, I made 3.8b ally bonus, whereas after, only 2.1b (again EE5 and 13% BR factored in)
    (3.8/2.1)*100 = 181%
    Considering I dropped from BR 13% to 7% this would become closer to 176%
    As you can see this is way off the expected 77%, in fact I'm sure that if I used exact values I would get to 177%. This would correspond to the Devs getting rid of the 77% bonus as well as reducing base HTE payout by a factor of one.

    Plunder per hit at the moment = 2.11b with 57% bonus from EE5 and Hauntings BR
    Base plunder per hit = (2.1/153)*100 = 1.337b (no joke)
    If the promo bonus worked like it should, it should've been: base * (100%+77% + other bonuses)
    1.337*(230%) = 3.07b per hit
    see the discrepancy? 3.07b<3.8b

    Alternatively it could be this:
    base*((100%+other bonuses)*177%) however this would go against how promo bonuses have worked in the past.
    1.337*((163%)*177%) = ~3.83b

    EDIT: These figures were recorded in the last 2 days, thus prolific plundered does not factor in.
    EDIT2: The conclusion seems to be that the 77% bonus also increased the static bonuses from EE and BR, apparently not cruxes though. Can we get a confirmation from the mods or something :3

    So what's the deal devs?
  3. My brain hurts....

    Hit eb, get paid. Simple.
  4. Ive noticed a drop aswell
  5. People make a bill a hit :oops:
  6. Oh sweet innocence, you don't wanna know what BC hansels make per hit while cruxing
  7. Could've swore HTE was always just a 2x increase, either that, or its been down for a while :lol:
  8. Hte plunder did use to be 3x haunting pay but its been dropped to 2x for more than a year I think
  9. It was originally 3x regular haunt but then they increased the plunder of all the lower tier ebs raising regular by 50% (I think), therefore making HTE only double. They didn't decrease HTE, they increased regular haunts.
  10. Even if that is so, it doesn't explain the second problem, there was a significant drop of plunder per hit between pre-promo HTE and post-promo HTE...
  11. Have you done a bunch of upgrades? Certain building levels, lvl 9 osman for example, reduce plunder quite a bit but then it goes back up at lvl 10. That's the only thing I could think would change it, unless devs decreased plunder for hitting outside your EB range, which they shouldn't for pay to play EBs
  12. No, I was tracking my plunder after each upgrade, at no point has it ever decreased.
  13. Is this a thing now?

    Haunts pays the same as Lotl
  14. Many of the t4-5 ebs pay similar to the top tier ebs.

    Probably the devs way of trying to give mids / smalls a chance to try catch up.

    We all know they've completely given up on ever getting a decent amount of new players.
  15. I suspect this is the way you are applying percentages

    2.1b x 0.77 = 1.617 (this is the 77% increase)
    1.617 + 2.1 = 3.717 (77% + your original)

    Not quite 3.8 but close. The discrepancy is probably you actually earned 2.1xx


    Or to calculate from the larger figure you should be saying

    3.8b / 177 (because 3.8b is 100+77%)
    This gives you what 1% is 0.0217
    Then you x 100 too get 100%
    Which is 2.17b
  16. Yes that would explain it, however the 2.1XXb that I mentioned was already increased by 63% from both EE5 and BR. Also in the past the promotional plunder increases were always irrespective of other bonuses you had at the time. I mean if they decided to switch it up, I don't particularly mind, some notice would've been nice though.
  18. Suppprt - I knew we were all being cheated

    Raise our stats but steal from our plunder during hte promo so we dun notice and we all assume that it's cuz the previous promo spell ended.
  19. Can anyone confirm lvl 9 ugs on osman arent good for plunder
  20. Why do I get the impression the Devs have no clue what they doin

    They prob reading this thread - hoping we figure things out for them