Barracks Level 3 Confusion

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Corinthian, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. My eyesight isn't the best on a small phone screen, but for some reason, it looks like the art for the Long Bowman (Barracks Level 3), has someone using a crossbow. Can anyone confirm/deny that can see better?

    I can somewhat see the argument that he's crouched with an arrow nocked, but that's not how I would imagine Long Bowmen would be drawn. Headed to work, will attach image if need be tomorrow if nobody can find a pic (assuming they don't want to build it).
  2. Forgot that.. The artwork for assassinate has me questioning the orientation of my spies.
  3. Nobody care nub #inb4.lock
  4. The real question is why do you even have a level 3 barracks?
  5. Good question
  6. Idk I'm not a noob

    Looks like a cross bow

    Btw is there a certain orientation images have to be in to use the function? Ive never been able to upload always get some error

  8. Agree with Op, a longbow is not a crossbow - was an interesting art choice but it is frankly the wrong weapon :cool:
  9. Oh. Thats how you do. Sweet :) thank you moody
  10. You simply don't get to call a legend like this a nub.
  11. Wow been long time since seen you cor! Think summer wars at last rights! Anyways in topic yes totally agree and never realized till now lol

    P.s. u noobs calling cor a nub are laughable!
  12. um. what? corin is a nub.

    that is just fact.
  13. Cor is just another alt with too much to say.....real legends post with main.
  14. Wow you have something on your chin there ninesigma
  15. The "Stables OP" meme never made sense to me from the beginning. Since tier 1 troop buildings don't have the mixed and defensive benefits later tiers do, I figured the real strategy was "Barracks OP," since the whole point is that in weakness, there is strength.

    That, and a level 3 barracks looks like it should/would naturally upgrade into a Castle from an art standpoint. I don't know about you, but I like redundancy when it comes to the defense of a kingdom.

    Also, the poor stat value of the troop building means I get marginally better odds while defending with my equipment, while still baiting attacks. Bonus points for defeating much stronger enemies with Longbowman. In fact, I distinctly recall someone beating the rest of the leaderboard at one point with just a single troop and spy building (no towers), since he was the first to have a significant ally bonus advantage. He later reset due to pressure from the devs, but that's another story.

    Last, I identify with the barracks units more than the other two. The knight art doesn't seem right, and are too conventional to survive the world, and running only siege weapons seems a sure way to bring disaster.
  16. Indeed, I am just a "nub." Wordwaster knows what he's talking about here. I think it was possibly majesty who said something along the lines of, "either you're competing for the top LB, or you're just a joker (paraphrasing)." A simple look at my stats confirms which camp I fall in.

    Don't worry, I have no "main" save the one typing before you. I do not work in Utilities, I possess no water main. Even if I did, I certainly wouldn't know how to post messages online with it, but maybe that's your point.

    EDIT: ..and, towards the "too much to say" part: I've always been long winded. I do keep quiet for the most part though, so you only need be concerned when I become engaged.
  17. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool,
    than to speak and remove all doubt :)

    - Abraham Lincoln
  18. "Better to speak and appear a fool so that nobody questions the cause of your silences." - The Moderator's Dogma, Chapter 3, Paragraph 4, Verse 2.
  19. First world problems 
  20. bruh dis is kaw 2016 change dat up to a coe and get like those 25 osman rai lands