Banning Botters

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by -HAWK-, Apr 13, 2015.

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  1. This is my first thread so please no hate. I just thought I could get this thread out there. I'm gonna keep this short and sweet.

    So with the new server sweep of botters many of my friends have been banned from the game and have lost many members from my clan. I can personally vouch for them that none of them botted. They are just very dedicated to this game and want to help our clan. I hope the devs can fix this and give them their accounts back.

    Like I said short and sweet, how do you guys feel about this.
  2. I play a rediculous number of hours, probably enough to where I've raised red flags. Yet I havent been banned. Because I don't bot. Somehow I feel this wasn't the case for your friends.
  3. 99% of the times its real bothers. Just like in real life some who are innocent may get accused. Good luck to them. They may email support to get it sorted out.
  4. I think Kitty out it best. My response is the same as Troll's.

    At least the OP isn't a starless alt.
  5. First of all you have over 170 posts this is not your first post lol

    And they know who is botting and who isnt. They can tell exactly which pixel of the screen was tapped/clicked on, and at what second of the day it was. With that data its very easy and very possible to tell who is botting and who is extremely active.

  6. Perhaps he's talking about while the account may have 173 posts.. This is his first one. In which case he may be violating TOU himself
  7. By my first post I meant thread sorry
  8. Ive literally been hitting at the exact same time every 5 min for like 20 minutes. Devs are not doing there jobs
  9. How can you personally vouch for anyone on a tap tap game that isnt your alt?
  10. Because I have played with them for about 1 year and we talk in cc all the time with each other.
  11. #BotsThatTalk2K15
  12. Have them appeal at otherwise posting a thread about silences and/or bans is against the ToU.
  13. Those players that were banned for botting they have been fully investigated and sadly no appeals would be done, those that decide to bot have violated the ToU, complaining about another player silence or ban, that is actually an violation and can lead you to get forum ban or silenced, depends where you stated it, so this is a friendly warning.
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