Hi there. I wanted to draw something kaw-related again. S4 banner Air vs. Water looks pretty sick. I love the banner, even though I have it. :lol: Hope you guys like it. :| Here's the original picture kaw gave us. :shock: Awesome, right? Here's my drawing. :mrgreen: Used: Crayola Twistables Scanner: Canon Pixma MG6350 Any criticism (bad/good) will be very much appreciated. I post this in off-topic since I want it to be in AT so I can see what people think of my drawings. Happy Halloween Kaw.
Wow. Very impressive. You did that all with crayons? Wish I were an artist. I have to meditate for 30 seconds when I try drawing a tree. :|
This is actually really good, about 100x better than anything else I could've done. How about drawing the other air vs. water banners and showing us?
Impressive to be crayola. Add some green and purple colors, the yellow makes it look like the feather hunt banner
I would love to. I'll email ATA with any drawings I can come up with. Thankyou for the idea, I hadn't thought about it. Hats off to you.