Banks For EE wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIM4NIlI0FIlIST33LIlI, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. There should be a way to bank before EE wars instead of having to bank in allies. This would allow warriors to upgrade more while they continue warring throughout the season. Maybe devs could make something like silver bars or something that can only be bought when wave of conflict is cast but can be sold after war for a full refund. Open to ideas and suggestions.
  2. Lmao yes lets pave the way for a huge exploit with the ps build. I personally wouldn't mind. I'm headed in that direction myself..

    No suppory
  3. Or.

    Just maybe.

    Buy some bars.

    And get over it.
  4. There is, bronze bars.
  5. you get taxed for bronze bars. And you lose gold for hours while waiting for match and then the hour war. it gets old having to buy allies off yourself with alts just to ug throughout season
  6. So, you want a non taxed, no risk bank?

    Why aren't we funding this in game and IRL.

    No support.
  7.  Boooo boooo
  8.  aaannnddd all traces of pvp are left behind... Good bye kingdoms at war