
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Marodo, Jun 18, 2010.

  1. Ive been hearin ppl talk about losing billions upon billions from strips and farms. Well some of u try to bank with allies, but then i hear the ppl take the allies and then farm. Its a good tactic. But if u dont wanna lose a lot of money then bank in attk pots. If u dont use them then u shoul be able to keep most ur money. Btw half of kaw already knows about this tactic, but this is for new kaw players or ppl tht havent tried it yet, so i rlly could live without the: way to go sherlock! Or some other stupid fail insults like tht

  2. Lololol

    this is all new to me
    thank you so much

  3. On a serious note

    people dont plan to be stripped
    and in most eyes people see it as

    take the risk and gain profit of my ally sells or

    lose I believe 25%? on safe gold

    it's all about the scenario that persons in
  4. Np, but one setbck, when u sell the items to upgrade u get like 75% bck, i think
  5. Yes, buts that's a guarenteed 75% return with no risk

     all about the situation
    ahead warning, autotype likes to kill my grammar so sorry 
  6. No problem