To bank money there r two ways I know how to do it allies and items Allies r good becuase they give bonuses and can be hired by others to make it so u earn cash but they can be hired then u can get farmed and loose that money Items can be bought then used or kept to be sold later I suggest attk or spy attk for banking this way so u control when it's used when u use def or spy def they r used auto and when an item is used it's gone also when u bank this way u have to sell items to earn the money back and u only get around 60% of ur money back but it's a guarenteed bank safe
Right I believe I saw the following % somewhere before, if you sell pot, 75% gold back. If you straight buy and drop an ally, 70% gold back. If you volley up from low gold. Like 100k to 1 mill to some high number, you get effectively 86% gold back. Gold generated from the act of volleying etc.
I believe the change has made it so you get a minimum back. Like less then 25% possibly. This was implemented to prevent rapid build changes and the advantages Associated. Imagine you wake up and convert to attack mode. Then move to defensive when you sleep. Incredibly abusive potentially