
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BaNaNa-SmooTHiE, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Banana:

    They got HUGE amounts of protein! :D :D :D

    Who Don't Like THEM??? No haters PLZ!

    Any Banana Names Plz POST! :D

    ~JUNIOR~~ :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  2. Not a post for the section strategy.
  3. ._. Confused of What the **** I just read
  4. ....what is this
  5. I like plantains myself
  6. I paint my paints…
  7. I think he wants a new banana name?
  8. Bananas give me heartburn.
    They are ok in pudding.
    Banana nit bread is delicious. Again. Heartburn.
  9. Wait I think I understand...
  10. Bananas also contain a high amount of the element K
  11. Ummm I have no idea what op is saying

    On a side note gta 5 is ******* awesome
  12. Bananas are meh
    but on a side note, how awesome
  13. Thy give you more... Electricity, too.