Discussion in 'Wars' started by I30IVII3ER, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. sick to death of doing TVP..Y can't we just get mith like we do for losing a us the drama of doing the eb wen it is DEVS fault fir us getting NO MATCH FOUND..but yet we still pay the price n do this boring eb...even if it's 10 mith to all or something..
  2. Tvp has already been taking away....
  3. People who get a no match can do TVP
  4. Go cry on and email to the devs.
  5. Yer tho it has been removed for losing a war it's still there for if no match found...y not just give the mith out instead of doing the eb? Unless ur a eb fairy!!
  6. Because devs will prob only give lyk 5 mith like they do for losing
  7. Wen u lose a match ur pay out is based on ur mith casted n items used during if u don't use any mith it use any pots that's ur own fault...

    If u cast ur 4 basic spells then u should get 11 mith back or so for NMF n this scrapping TVP..
  8. I like tvp when there is no match
  9. 24hr ban.

    If you arent going to post on topic then dont post at all. People should know better and if you dont then heres a warning.
  10. Ik wat u saying op. I did 8 b2b tvp on week 1 all in a row. Its really the clans choice to intiate wen theres a no match. Also not casting before match up and get a no match. Then do tvp after that. But is a boring eb and all those free miths ive earned. I burned them all in 1 war lol. I hate free miths>:{
  11. U don't get much miths from losing a war in season 3 compared to last time. Suggest we do not change such things anymore, the more we suggest , the worse it get !
  12. Wow...acetown r getting harsh...
  13. I'm sorry Acetown but that is way to harsh. Looks like we got a mod on a power trip. It's a war game, genius, let people fight a bit in the forums if they want.
  14. If players got the opportunity to farm free mith via no match found. You dont think they would purposely put together a weird war roster stack to get a no match?

    Yeah they would. Some players just plain do that. Others go inactive in wars because they never wanted to war. They just wanted the free win stack of mith.
  15. They could keep tvp for no match it stops those clans purposely throwing matches for "free mith".

    Simple fact is no match get tvp pretty simple it gives x amount of mith sometimes not the full 14 but hey mith is mith right?
  16. Frog, there's nothing wrong with that ban. In fact, I'd like to see that more often.
    Op, I suggest you email the developers. These low life's obviously don't plan on contributing.
  17. The devs took away TVP from EE losers because they want to increase the penalty for losing a match. There have been clans in the past that would throw a match because the penalty to losing was low.

    The same has happened before. The devs took away mithril payouts from system wars because clans were mostly doing mwars. Before that, the devs took away gold payouts in system wars to nerf pwars. The common thread is the way the community has organized ways around the system.