Balancing bfe...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SuPeR-I3aD_-X-_TH3_WaR-G0D, Jun 14, 2013.

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  1. So now the devs are talking about balancing bfe durring wars.
    I bet the native americans wouldve loved it if the mighty forces of nature balanced the equipment of the europeans who stole all of their land.
    Or what about Osama bin laden... i bet his last thoughts were "damn i wish ala wouldve done something about americas bfe..."
    I could make a list of other instances where better equipment makes the difference in real life war, but the point is equipment is a realistic advantage that we work hard for. that shouldnt be tampered with just because some ppl prayed 2 the devs for it.
  2. Difference is that was a war this is a tourney ... In tourneys their are handy caps ... Do I agree this is the best way ... No not at all ... But matches do need to be fixed for tournament play to be sustainable for the future
  3. Its not really a tournament tho. There is no grand champion at the end of the season. Just ppl who worked their asses off for great equipment so that they would have an advantage in future wars.
  4. Making a suggestion to the debs when you use racist humor about Osama?
  5. They do in every pvp and every osw and for hitting every eb (ebs pay more when u do more damage) and the grand champions are the ones with the rings and a badge that says lvl 50 rancor wat more do u want from a game tournament ?
  6. Does it meas devs collected payment from me for all thebpropacks and now something I paid with real cash will be worthless in wars?
  7. @Bass plz dont derail my topic. There was no racism in my post. Just analogies. Suport dont support or bounce.
  8. Seriously go do something else with your hard earned equipment, like....idk maybe a real war
  9. @corsair. U have great hard earned equipment. U would honestly like to see that be equal to mine in war?
  10. War god,

    These wars are about matching clans up evenly and going at it - may the best team win.

    No one is taking "away" you equipment advantage, they are just factoring it into matchups!

    What are you crying about?
  11. No one is trying to make it equal to yours just equal to similar equipment
  12. No tears. Just a look of confusion. Part of being good at war is being able to have good equipment or being able to overcome it. Y take that away??
  13. ATA wants to make money. To make money, they need to have big crystal buyers stay and pay. To make them stay and pay, ATA has to listen to them. Go figure. This isn't war. It's a game.
  14. lol they tried maknig matches equal with bfa, numbers, and CS before. that all turned out pretty well during the season, didn't it? the people who complain about BFE now are just giving the devs something new to mess our matches up :(
  15. Im sure people on both sides of the matchup issues have spent plenty on this game. I dont believe ata are catering to money spenders in war. I believe they want a good system. I dont believe accounting for bfe is the way to go.
  16. I don't believe doing it in stages will really help the issues with match ups this test will only make matters worse ... But at least they got away from messing with mechanics this time lol
  17. Then how should they fix it?
  18. you'll see this happen - people remove their equipment before matchup and rewear it like they're being sneaky. if equipment gets locked, the clever clan will still use their equipment advantage against you by removing the bits that arent important to their build in war. Or they could just leave it as is, and was fix the major problems we've delt with since wars started in october or whenever (that being bfa balance, number balance, and CS balance). truely annoying.
  19. My opinion from the start is if you want "fair" wars then bfa, bfe, size of clan and build need to be considered in matching.

    If you want just a war then they should only consider build.

    I'm fine either way but the precedent is that these wars are supposed to be "fair"
  20. I've typed out my suggestion about 100 times already and why ... Want to read it look on "the bfe debate" thread in news and feedback there was a lot of good )and some incompetent) discussion there
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