bad matchup

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llIISllOII__Serge__llLIIOIlIl, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. we just got a matchup where we are outnumbered 29-27 AND they have 20mil more attack stats and 15mil more spy way unfair
  2. omg sucks to be you...

    Man up OP, that difference is nothing. Noobs these days
  3. God, I hope OP is a troll...
  4. we have lead atm.... by about a bil or 2 maybe
  5. You see? Now stop being a cry baby and ask for a lock.
  6. You are kidding op :(. That is actually a good matchup. Be happy
  7. And they lost 
  8. I didn't even get a matchup so don't think ur the only one..
  9. Yes...., bad matchups suck >( we also got an unfair matchup...., 33vs36, and they had waaaay stronger hitters, plus experience in war and all that...., it was a slaughter!!  not fair!...
  10. That's not a bad matchup, that's what I call a fun war. Idk the outcome nor do I care but I love matchups like those. We had a matchup where we were outnumbered by ten. We lost by 2-4 bil(can't remember exactly) but it's still one of the best wars I have been in.