bad ee match ups

Discussion in 'Wars' started by A_Busload_of_kids, Sep 6, 2013.

  1. Season 2 is almost here and we still see a bad match ups. Personally I liked the match ups you had towards the end of last season. But even with the new way of matching up ppl based on dtw/dts, can we please add some checks after match ups to see what's producing the smallest difference between the clans signed up? Like if have single checks for bfa, bfe, stats, number of lands explored abs few checks combining bfa, bfe and stats to make sure teams that have way more bfa or way more bfe then the other team won't match up together. War 1 battlegrounds matched up with nwcb, I am #1 here but would be #7 in their roster, with a bfa check surely their bfa is at least 5 to 6 times larger then ours (I am guessing) this match should be a no match, or match with better suited team. If we are #2 biggest clan it's probably better to match us with #3 clan and give nwcb no match. For clans heavy in gh, total lands unlocked check/bfe check should prevent them from matching up with clans that would not have a good shot against them.

    I know war match ups cannot be perfect if clans you pick from who's make up is way different from each other, but with better equality checks at the end of match ups more fair wars can be achieved. Personally I hate wars that are too easy or too hard. All I want is to war on as close to even battlefield as possible. Devs please fix the match ups.
  2. Dont do ee wars then. Stop qq. Its just a game.
  3. And ur gear is killer, no idea why u care if u get some bad wars.
  4. I always love the part where people moan about matchups and then include the word 'guessing' when assessing the difference between clans..
  5. But I like system wars, and honestly it's only reason why I play this game.
  6. I can't do anything but guess since devs don't reveal the match up info anywhere
  7. Just a little bit curious: you won wars before with big differences and I didn't saw your opponents crying like you - even I didn't saw you blaming devs for that.
    If you don't want to war, so don't sign up. We all know that devs aren't able to match up fair. There will always be unfair match ups with crying ppl.
  8. My guess is that this wont be a fun war for Nwocb members either. And the longer this lasts, ppl will eventually get bored and stop playing. Simple. So Devs, you want max xtals? Want both sides to spend money on this game? And heaven forbid, even enjoy this game? Listen...
  9. The whining that goes on here about matchups reminds me of pre-school. You know, when whining was appropriate because you're three and you don't yet understand that the universe doesn't revolve around you.

    These clans whining INCESSANTLY have had more than their fair share of matches weighted heavily in their favor. In fact, I would venture to guess that over 90% of the wars they've won during trials were by HUGE margins. Yet, when they get a match, that on the SURFACE appears not to favor them heavily, it's off to forums they go for some serious whining about it.

    Let's take a look at OP's clan's record as an example:

    BG vs NWoCB- they "boycotted" for their bonus mith blah blah blah blah
    BG vs Clan A - 84B to 55B
    BG vs LaR - 93B to 11B
    BG vs ER - 109B to 31B
    BG vs Silver - 90B to 30B
    BG vs Silver - 86b to 46B

    Hmmmmmm. Anyone else noticing the trend:

    :!: If matched with a clan you are NOT guaranteed to bulldoze over the entire war : whine in forums.
    :!: If matched with a clan you CLEARLY overpower - farm the crap out of them and never mention THAT mismatch in forums.

    IF you want to complain about bad match-ups and boycott them - have some integrity and a bit less hypocrisy and boycott ALL the matches that appear unfair, not just the matches you have decided are not in your favor.

    I don't know about the rest of the forum readers, but it's hard to respect a hypocrite.
  10. I get it! They're getting stomped again, so they've been victimized by bad matchups.
  11. I don't want to get easy match ups either. I rather get no match then spend hours searching for an open. if clans start getting no matches they will shift their rosters in order not to war more and not get the no matches.
  12. I been submitting feedback on easy wars and hard wars. Easy match ups for us during trials just shows how bad the match up system is.
  13. There are a few clans I've lost quite a bit of respect for during these trials. There are also a few who have shown great sportsmanship and earned my respect.

    Silver - they have had some of the worst matchups I've seen throughout Season 1 AND these trials
    Clan A

    All three clans have consistently been matched with clans that completely overpower them. Yet every single war they mith up and they fight from the first second to the last, and not once have I seen a single one of their members complain about their match-ups in forums.

    They have earned my respect and I would hope the respect of the clans they've warred. There is something to be said for good leadership and their leaders have set an example for all to follow.
  14. We fought hard. We were active. We lost.
  15. I don't like blow out wars in our favor (frustrating
  16. If NWoCB want to stack LB there is now a way to make it hurt.
  17. I don't like blow outs in our favor (boring and frustrating) same for when we have no chance. The enjoyment comes when at last update still could go either way. Had many like that in season 1. That's where we should still be season 2. Some say whining, I say we are pointing out a still flawed system.

    Happy kawing
  18. WOW Cwick - BG just sunk to a new low. Whining and lying :shock: Anyone looking at the war history, along with actions, can see that BG didn't bother to fight at all. Also, I might be missing something, but I'm also not seeing the mith spells for BG clan members that were cast for this war. Hmmm. Could just be my PC doesn't show them?

    Let's ask NWoCB about their incoming during the war and see how "hard" BG fought. Oh and by the way, I notice the VP eb was started pretty quickly, an eb created to replace mith used, when NONE was used during the war. Yup. That just screams integrity to me. :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
  19. Witch is right! If you get a bad match that you can win (by 5b+) then you wouldn't make a crappy thread about it. If you lost a war,then even by 100m,youd complain for days until mods shut you up THE TRUTH IS OUT :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: