War Strategy Index: Before war When it starts Stripping Burning pots Pinning VICTORY! Before war Preparation. The foundation of success. How to declare a war on that smaller clan that otherwise wouldn't accept. "Failing to prepare, is preparing to fail." it works in sports and it works in KaW. How do you prepare for the war your destined to lose? The same way you prepare for a war your destined to win. Find your opponent clan, have all of your higher members (only ones bigger than their to player) leave the clan in order to ensure any clan willing to war war you. Once you have made it seem like a fair match and they accept war, have your larger player stay out of the clan. Why? Because when the war starts, you will pin their members that can get lots of plunder. Once most of their their large players are pinned it will be much easier for you to keep them pinned, gaining plunder every attack. Prepare players still in the clan These may all be alts, if so PERFECT! Make sure they're all dtw from steals and attacks. In other words, they should have NO money. 0 gold. A few left over coins shouldn't make a difference, but if someone left one billion out, they will be a leak for your entire clan. So $$$$$ should equal 0. When it starts Outside Clannies Begin pinning. Pin, that's all you have to worry about. It shouldn't take more than a few hours, It will make it much easier for you if the unload on your empty alts. Assassinate, and attack, don't worry about how much money you make. Just get them pinned. Inside clan You should do as much damage as you can, make sure you never have too much money. Plunder doesn't come yet. Plunder comes when everyone comes back. Come back!! Come back into your clans once everyone is pinned, and money can be won with virtually no trouble at all. Burning pots Your enemies can defend you with enormous amounts of defense pots and spy defense pots. Though they ARE (in numbers) very expensive. When you burn all of your enemies pots, say they had 100 of each, you seriously discourage your opponent. Think about it just the top pot defense pot is six mill. Every hit you are not only taking the plunder, but you are also taking 6 mill more each attack. them when out of pots have lost 600 million gold PLUS what-ever you take from them. How do you get rid of pots?? Easy, it's the same as when you are pinning them. But if they have pots a pin will be much harder. so attack them/spy (not scout) to burn pots. Only the number of pots are burned, as the enemy needs to successfully defend against your attack. If you win you burn all of their pots. Note: Two copies of a pot will neither be used to defend or burned in an attack. Stripping Your enemies out of money? You can have someone either inside clan OR outside the clan do this for you. But the idea is one at a time buy the enemies allies in order to gain plunder for your clan. Buy they're allies one at a time, they get more money for you to steal from them. Do this mostly to a rather large player on the other side who hasn't much, or would be sleeping at the time. Why players who joined war but currently inactive? Because those are the players who won't buy pots to get rid of the money. POTS ARE YOUR ENEMY!! When your enemy buys pots, that's money that you can't take from them. Attack/Spy-Attack are the worst thing an enemy can do. It's like a bank, except that even thieves can't take it. So, Buy the enemy allies of the people you can take it from and who won't buy pots. Pinning Now you've pinned the other players from outside of the war now they'll barely fight back, you know how to keep a constant stream of money coming into your war. But what you need to do to keep up your excellent work, is to keep it up. Keep on pinning Hit each of you pinned members three times every five minutes, and gain as much plunder as you can while doing that. You can throw in a few extra steals while doing that. I suggest making jobs for each of your players. Make it jobs they can succeed at. eg: Merlynd, your job is to keep pinning Grammer. OK we'll get that unicorn down to start with. You keep it down. Remember this is a game, don't challenge people too hard (Unless they want it) VICTORY! Congratulations!! You've won the war. ~~Merlynd~~ ----AND---- ~Grammar_Unicorn~ Thank you.
Err, are you assuming nobody will have defensive potions? Thought you might have a section on potion burning.
It was average. Don't know why YOUR making the guide. And That's only petty system wars. The no fun wars. You wouldn't know how to have a total chaos hostile war. You have been on pwars.... A lot :roll:
Wars work like this: Declare war (0-12 hours) Prepare for war (12-24 hours) War (48 hours (unless forfeit))