B2B NML is Booaring

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DoPE-BoY_FReSHh, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. We get booared frm nml devs should make any small eb that drop more than nml
  2. Apparently NML was nerfed and DS is now better. Not sure if true though, not tested it.
  3. Then don't do promo. Complaining in forums gets you nowhere. Try feedbacking them if its a huge concern.
  4. Rd's right
  5. lol ds drop gud like 200+ but it take time nml still better
  6. War it only takes 1 hour and you get 750
  7. Cheese fries
  8. Cheese fries
  9. HTE pays out crazy moths if you only do the scout phase
  10. @ pb if your edge is at lvl5
  11. *bored *boring

  12. boring *
  13. Pbutter is right. Only do the scout phase In hte.
  14. I meant at kitty. I'm just blund
  15. Scout phase in hte?