awesome strategy to get people to buy your allies

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Dr_FallOffACliffAndDie_IV, Apr 17, 2012.

  1. This is a great scam that I am posting because I'm not going to use it again because I'm sharing it with all u!

    This scam is where u post on wc (world chat) that u r resetting and all allies need to be sold. Post this everytime u notice people Arent buying many allies anymore till u r out of speakers if someone catches u deny everything and people will buy most your allies. thnk u and have a good day
  2. Of course if noobs didn't know u aren't really supposed to reset
  3. Two words: Reset bonuses.
  4. ...i cant tell if this is a joke
  5. Darn...I just got what you meant...

    Ignore my previous post.
  6. Almost forgot to say, you fail.
  7. Only noobs buy allies from someone doing a reset.
  8. Grow so I can farm you...
  9. Yes this is a great way to get your self strip farmed by pissing people off.
  10. Too bad your allies aren't really affected when dumbass OP resets. In fact, they're dropped, so their hire price goes down, making them more likely to be hired. Only an idiot would fall for this.
  11. ? And why would you want people to hire your allies?

    ? So you can grow?

    :) Grow so I can farm you

  12. Where is troll? I need to tell him he has a fan boy.
  13. On another note, if you are really going to reset, you should sell all your buildings, drop all your allies and offer your friends to buy their unwanted allies. You're gonna lose your gold anyway, so use it to help others.
  14. You well a ton of people r noobs then and remember its also for there own benefit
  15. I hope this was sarcasm
  16. Ok. So if I farm you with an alt, it is for your own benefit, alright?
  17. It's not sarcasm. Sad to say. 2 words... Window licker