Discussion in 'Wars' started by *TrueLordOfShadows (01), Aug 21, 2012.

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  1. Attention all honourable kaw players who still believe this game is worth playing with code and honour!!!

    let me tell you story about kaw player named Shadowbeas11 and dishonorable lying clan named los - lords of the shadow

    sb has been playing this game a long time
    he as always had a title "lord of the shadows" on his banner
    few weeks ago he ran into some problems with a clan named alpha
    problems are nothing new for sb, hes always been farmer/hitman to hire
    crybaby clan Alpha ran to the los clan and told them they were going to go to osw with them because one of "los" members (shadowbeas11) was farming their members

    los gets very angry and threatens shadow that he must change his banner because alpha clan is going to war them and they were afraid haha

    shadow says he wont change banner because hes always had that banner
    los says you have to change banner because people think you are member here.
    shadow says in all time ive been farming people no one else has ever said anything to you - you are being played by alpha
    shadow goes to sleep and alpha/los strips 300+ bil from him
    shadow pounds the crap out of alpha and as soon as the strip by them is done - alpha leaves los to have to fight shadow alone successfully manipulate much more powerful clan to do their dirtywork
    after one week shadow farming los and los farming shadow los and shadow negotiate a cf

    terms of CF negotiated between shadowbeas11 and los-kjb - owner of los

    shadow will stop all hits on los
    shadow will apologize on malakwarrior wall for disrespecting her
    shadow will be allowed to keep his title and banner
    shadow will get disbanded a clan that was made as mockery to los

    los will stop all hits on shadow
    los will allow shadow to keep banner and title
    and if los has any problems because of shadows banner he will immediately change it.

    shadow immediately apologizes to malak

    1 hour after cf was decided in middle of night some hits and steals happened to 2 los members normal osw stuff. cf take time to happen for everyone to know is cf. shadow right away apologized for late hits on los member walls
    but as soon as shadow takes down the mock clan - los resumes farming shadow and breaks the cf agreement
    then los tells shadow he must change his banner or they will never stop
    then los is rude with shadow in a pal room and start to accuse shadow to his friends of being rude and disrespectful to all women. los starts to turn shadows friends against him by telling lies. shadow has pal room screenshots to prove shadow never was disrespectful to los or women

    i say this to all kaw players
    come help us teach los lesson that lying, cheating, making false accusations, breaking negotiated terms cf and being disrespectful and dishonorable is not allowed in our game
    los has lied
    los has broken cf
    los has made a mockery of honor in today kaw world
    los said shadow could keep his banner but they never had any intention of that. it was snake in the grass play to get shadow take down clan.
    well another clan is up and it will not be taken down unless is purchased by los for 1 trillion gold
    los thinks because they are lb clan and have lb players that they above everyone else and can get away with behaviour like this
    help us prove them wrong

    l0rds of the shadow
    or follow truelordofshadows to find my clan
    stripping will happen - if you have banks to help please come
  2. You could have just posted this with your main you know.
  3. Ugh. Alts have zero street cred
  4. Cool story bro.. 
  5. Moose aren't you a alt
  6. No cred for u! Ur an alt
  7. Lost it half way through, you have no punctuation... ._.
  8. I like LoS. Great people there.
  9. Op isnt very honorable, posting with an alt.....
  10. I saw honorable and I was like "that's me."
  11. Tl;dr.

    Because there is no grammar
  12. I cant believe I actually read this...

    Why? Why the **** did I do it...someone just kill me now...

    Or alternatively can someone go back 2-3 min and tell me not to read this...
  13. No one is taking your alt seriously, so this is becoming spammy.
    Just post it again with your main account. That is the "honorable" thing to do
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