Attack vs Spy and Hybrid builds in promos

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IA-CrazyRuggy, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. Hey KaW!

    I was interested in getting some thoughts in relation to promos and build types.

    In the last 5 promos, I've noticed a significant difference in drops between build types. Attack builds are severely disadvantaged when compared to spy builds. At times, I've seen spy builds get up to double the drops in ebs (hybrids also do better than attack builds), even with less actions/plunder. It's much easier for a spy build to reach their goal. Has anyone else noticed the same differences? I'm curious as to why the devs have made it so unfair and unbalanced instead of basing the drop payout on activity?

    Thanks for reading 
  2. Never noticed. Sorry. Can you give some exact numbers? I never get any more than 90 on a single hte
  3. I was attack build not even 2 weeks ago haven't noticed a difference maybe you are comparing the attack build to a spy build that is skimming.
  4. Hey Frog  I'll just grab a quick example from my clans history.
    See in our second last AFF 12 hrs ago, 6:59:57) #3 Spy build, received 330 drops yet #1 attack build received 273 drops. This is just a quick example. If you flick through a number of histories you'll notice that generally the higher number of drops go to the spy builds.
  5. Grizzy, I've noticed this in many clans throughout the last 5 promos. I doubt every single spy build I've noticed who has the higher drops have been skimming every time. Check histories, there is a difference. 
    I've skimmed also to check. Hasn't made a great deal of difference.
  6. Aff has item phase? Maybe the spy build hit items and the attack build didn't? Idk.
  7. I'm not talking about that one eb I mentioned to Frog. I've noticed the same thing every single promo. Other clannies and friends have noticed it too. It's happened across all 5 promos when comparing build types in different ebs, different build sizes, different item phases etc.
  8. Ah OK I haven't noticed a difference and if there is one its tiny.
  9. It's not tiny. I made 1.8k last promo. A spy build in my clan made 3.7k I think it was. We hit the same ebs. We were both fairly active. I've struggled to reach next tier in events but I can see spy builds who reach it without hassle. There is a difference. And it should be addressed to make it fair.
  10. Yes spy builds make a few more
  11. I made 5k this time and I made 5k every other time before I was Hansel so no not much difference if any.
  12. But I do agree if there really is a difference then it should be addressed.
  13. It always have been thus. The drop rates (including items) have always been better for spy heavy buildings. This is because the rate for drops is fixed on the following factors:
    1. No of actions performed
    2. Amount of HP damaged on eb per action (average/otherwise)
    3. % lvl of troops or spies (meaning skimming).

    Generally, when it comes to #2, most ebs 'take' more damage for spy actions than for attacks (for prescribed strength lvl, e.g: an account with 12 mil spy attack strength will deal more damage than 12 mil troop attack strength, when other things such as BFA, BFE remain similar). Also, you have more spy actions available per regen than attacks. Ergo, spy heavy buildings doing well on the drop front

    Note: it is heavily dependent on the type of eb you do. It was more skewed during early events. It seems better now. Maybe devs tweaked the algorithm.
  14. from first event i have noticed this the imbalance drops between spy vs the difference is less but in 4 first events the difference was bigger...many said that wasnt possible but the truth is that spy builds have a small advantage in drops always...
  15. Do you participate in regular EB or HTE, Grizzy? If it's the latter, I'm not too interested. I'm more concerned about free to hit ebs that should remain level across the board.

    Thanks for your in depth response, Mighty. I've considered that also. Shouldn't a 52M CS attack build do better than a 14M CS spy build then? The attack build would deal more damage overall.

    Tbh Aim, I've mostly noticed the difference in the last 5 promos. It might have been there earlier. The succession of promos that are the same seem to have highlighted the difference for me I think. Either way, I think it should be based on activity.
  16. I actually tested spy bar hte payout a few times:

    From full spy bar I hit 15 times only, no troops

    I received 7-9 items
  17. I hit whatever is run so yeh hte lol
  18. If you hit HTE then naturally you'll mostly do better in promos than those of us who hit regular ebs. I'm curious about the regular ebs. Though if they made drops fair for all it would obviously extend to HTE also.
  19. Just to throw a wrench in this whole thing, I've noticed my hansel alt gets more frequent drops in PvP as well, but could jus be me
  20. I agree. Att builds are left behind on promos as drops are far less than other builds. I dont believe it is based on your tier though. Spy builds on hte makes up to 90drops whereas att builds reaxh highest of 27-30 never more. Please investigate