Attack Build.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Bad_2D_Bone, Sep 1, 2012.

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  1. Can any1 tell me what they think is the best attack build??
  2. yeah they give you horses instead of bugs
  3. Lv1 stable land complete has awesome plunder terrible stats though but it's a great way to earn fast$
  4. Stables is old and annoying. How about someone actually helps?
  5. Callum, you're a little "wannabe reg" who is seriously annoying. Why don't you try and post something with some sort of meaning, instead of some crappy cheap shot at being funny?
  6. Stable joke only died off about a year ago...
    Find something original, or help.
    Otherwise, shut up.
  7. @OP.
    There is no "best build" it is all suited to what your play style is, pick a build that works most effectively for you, and you have the "best build".
  8. Stables suck.

    Empty lands are the best.... ;)
  9. Yup, I'd expect a nub like tiger to then go and post that.

    I'm gonna enjoy farming you with my alt...
  10. Towers. Lots and lots of towers.
  11. Why is it that forums feel the need to be dip-shits on threads? You just make yourself look like an idiot, with the intellectual capacity of a chicken...
  12. Thank-you Anarchy for your advice. Also Op, there are great threads under Strategy for this. Im locking because you are lettinh the trolls feed

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