Attack Build Guide (100 LC n Resets to start with)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Malestone7469, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. I know there is no more 8% for Land Completion Resets. But don't worry you still get the Achievement Award for LC n Resets.

    1. Start your kingdom with one T1L1 WorkShop n one T1L1 Guild
    2. Next Do your Quests and get the money to explore the 5k land n 10k land
    3. Build 2 more T1L1 Guilds (2.5k each)
    4. Now you should have 1 T1L1 WorkShop n 3 T1L1 Guilds.
    5. Next Join a clan doing EB The Awakening. Upgrade your T1L1 Guild to T1L2 Guild (2.5m each). Buy as much items as possible and unload during item phase. Buy 10 pots of the 1st 8 Defence pots n 1st 6 Spy Defence Pots.
    6. Use your spies to steal from battle list anyone whose spy level shows 150/150, 300/300. Or, assassinate the EB monster.
    7. Continue to explore land until you have all 9 lands uncovered.
    8. Upgrade your T1L1 Guild to T1L2 Guild (2.5m each)
    9. Build T2L3 Forges on the next 5 lands and continue to quest, unloading your items on EB and assassinating the EB using your spies.
    10. Once all your troops are depleted, sell away the Workshop. On the empty Workshop land, build a T2L3 Forge
    11. Buy 50 pots of 1st 8 Defence Pots n 1st 6 Spy Defence Pots, and buy 5 each of the other expensive pots.
    12. Unload all troops on Quests as you continue to use items on EB n assassinate the EB monster
    13. Once your land costs 200m, upgrade your T1L2 Guilds to T1L3 Guilds (75m each)
    14. Save 1b in gold and buy an ally with a minimum 60k combined stats from the following ranges:
    788m, 809m, 822m, 869m, 908m, 922m, 955m, 995m, 1.0005b, 1.005b, 1.05b.
    Continue to save money n buy allies in those ranges with minimum 60k stats until you have 13 1b allies
    15. Now you continue exploring lands until the 20th land, always building T2L3 Forges n unloading your troops in Quests
    16. After you complete A Cold Spell (3 Crystals n 10m gold), ignore all the other Quests n only attempt Facing The Storm (3 Crystals n 15m gold)
    17. Once you complete Facing The Storm Quest, unload all troops on EB
    18. Change clan to one doing EB The Reckoning. Continue saving gold n buying lands n building T2L3 Forges until your land costs 1.5b. Save gold and buy this land.
    19. Ask a big build in your clan to buy your 13 1b allies and purchase your last 4 lands 1.8b, 2.1b, 2.5b, 3b.
    Not enough gold? Sell away all your buildings (25% refund) n pots (70% refund) to make up the difference. But it's best to continue unloading troops n spies on EB to save up the difference.
    20. You're Land Complete, you have 25 Crystals, 11 nobility points
    Leave the EB clan then Reset your kingdom. Choose the same name or a different one. And restart from #1.

    21. Continue doing Step 1 to 20, until you've LC n Reset 100x
    22. At this point you'll have 2525 in Crystals, 1100-1900 nobility points, 550 ally slots.

    23. Do steps 1 to 18
    24. Upgrade all your T1L3 Guilds to T1L4 Guilds. Now you have 3 T1L4 Guilds.
    25. Go to a clan doing Origins
    26. Save gold n buy lands 1.8b, 2.1b, 2.5b n 3b; build T1L4 Guilds. Now you have 7 T1L4 Guilds.
    Explore Highlands 3b and build a T1L4 Guild.
    27. Save gold and upgrade castle to L2 (4b)
    28. Now after unloading all your troops in EB, sell away 2 L3 Forges n replace with 1 T3L1 Summoning Circle (5% more plunder than a Sub Factory) n 1 T3L1 War Aviary (26 hits instead of 24)
    29. Slowly replace all the T2L3 Forges with T1L4 Guilds in Lowlands. (Total 23 T1L4 Guilds, 2 attack buildings)
    30. Save 1b gold at a time n increase the number of allies to 50 1b allies.
    Save gold and increase all your pots to 500 each of 1st 8 (Attack n Defence) pots, 1st 6 (Spy Attack n Spy Defence) Pots. The expensive ones at 100 each.
    31. Continue to do EBs n saving gold, to explore 12 Highlands, building T4L1 SoS (Stronghold of Shadows)
    32. After exploring the 12th Highland, save gold and upgrade Castle to L3 (10b gold)

    33. Now slowly change build.
    34. Sell away one by one T1L4 Guilds n build T4L1 TL (Titan's Lair - 10 only) n the rest T4L1 CoEs (Circle of Elements - 15) n you have 11 T2L1 SoS
    35. Continue to save gold and increase your allies to 100 1b allies
    36. Increase your pots to 2000 of 1st 8 Attack/Defence Pots m 1st 6 Spy Attack/Defence Pots, all the expensive pots increase to 500 each
    37. Change clan to one doing The Destroyer EB or The Haunting EB

    38. Continue saving gold n convert each T4L1 Attack building to the equivalent T5L1 Attack Building.
    And Convert T2L1 SoS to T3L1 equivalent or increase to T2L4 SoS (whichever the Devs come out with)
    39. Now go out and search for all the equipments.
    40. Stay in a clan which does fast FoDs (4 hours max) this will allow you to get Aqua, Inferno, the new EB pots n Kings treasures as well.
    41. Continue increasing your allies by searching for active 10-40b allies. Keep the 100 1b allies, but if they're hired away, don't hire back unless their stats are more than 75k combined. Let them go once they are 7.5b.
    At which point look for active allies at 10-40b range. If these allies get hired away, search for 100b allies.
    If your 100b allies get hired away look for 300-488b allies. Concentrating on Hansels since you want to bolster your spy stats.
    41. Increase your pots to 10,000 of every single pots.
    42. Continue exploring lands until you HLLC (HighLands Land Complete)
    43. By this time the other lands should be out.
    Go explore the new lands, n build 10 T5L3 or T2L4 Defence Fortresses.
    44. Go join a war clan like ZAFT, FAITH, or Voodoo.

    45. Increase your pots to 100,000 for 1st 11 attack/defence/spy attack/spy defence pots n 20,000 of 7.5m n 12m, 3.75m n 6m pots
    46. Buy max possible Mithrils during Mithril sales. Use your Crystals to do fast Hauntings (2.5-3h) do as much items as possible, it will give you anywhere between 12-31b in gold per Haunting. This will allow you to purchase max Mithrils as you continue to buy bigger Allies, and continue to pot up.

    Enjoy KaW like it was meant to be. :)
    Good Luck!

    Thank you to:
    Notty Michelle for her insight into her version of LC n Resets. Love you 

    Cokie-, xSilverx3 for their version of LC n Resets. A big thank you.

    To all the others (GrannyBanger, EmperorKing, 1Ate7, Burgie, Unstoppable, etc from iG n Subclans) who taught me about the LC n Resets. Won't forget ya.
  2. Following this guide is going to take you a long time though.
  3. Step 5. No item phase for the awakening. May want to fix that
  4. Lots of crystals
  5. 100 Lc resets must take u ages. The time those xstals save in growth must eaisily be out weighed by the time the resets take u to get them. No point in the resets
  6. Yes.

    It's done on the basis that you are the main and not an alt (new players). Time taken is roughly one year, unless you have a supportive clan like Forever Friends to volley you everytime you reset to 10-20b.

    If you have mains n the this is an alt, your time period is shorter. Max 6-months to do 100 LC n Resets despite Devs preventing Volley transfers.
  7. It's slow for 1st year to do your 100 LC n Resets, but pretty fast from your last reset to T5L1, I'd say roughly 3 to 6 months. And another 6-months since you have the nobility points n crystals to help you out.

    Compared to oldies like us who may have to spend real cash to do our horrendous upgrades from T4L3 to T5L3. Probably take us 6-12 months.
  8. Nice one male :)
  9. Thank you Sky, I'm on an iDevice, I'll have to fix that from a PC/Mac
  10. I might just do this on my main for fun....
  11. No offense, but get a life. Lol. How long did it take u to a) think of every detail and b) type this out. I think someone needs a girlfriend. Life's way too short to follow this to a tee...
  12. Lol SadSack.
    I think it took me less than an hour to type it out since I used one main (this account) n one alt to actually do 24 LC n Reset on another alt.
    And helped quite a few others in our sub clan do their LC n Resets as well.
  13. My alt is on the Completions LB too. :)