Atk Build Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Mr_Banks, Sep 17, 2013.

  1. Hey guys I haven't found a guide on how to efficiently build an attack build, therefore i have decided to make one. There will be step by step instructions on how to build so no worries, NOOB-FRIENDLY You start out as a hansel to make growth quicker, I picked balanced buildings in this Guide, because you rarely lose a fight, and most of the time win a fight, and you get 2 extra hits, and it gives more plunder per hit than a atk heavy building.

    Step 1:

    Get a volley to 2B-4B

    Step 2:

    1.)Destroy the tier 1 building(Workshop, barracks, or stable)
    2.)Explore lands until you have 9 lands total
    3.)Build Beastiary's on every 7 lands
    4.)Upgrade beastiarys 1 by 1

    Step cost = 66.5m


    Step 3:

    1.)Explore lands 9-15
    2.)Place guilds on those lands
    3.)Upgrade each guild to level three 1 by 1 including the guild from tutorial

    Step cost: 643.675m

    YOU SHOULD HAVE at least 200m in ALLIES

    Step 4:

    1.)Explore lands 15-19
    2.)Place Lvl 3 Guilds on those lands
    3.)Your next land should cost 900m which means its time to upgrade all your guilds to lvl 4

    Step cost: 11,410.1m

    YOU SHOULD HAVE at least 2B in ALLIES

    Step 5:

    1.)Explore lands 20-25
    2.)Build lvl 4 guilds on those lands
    3.)Congrats you finished the lowlands :)

    Step cost: 14,587.625m

    YOU SHOULD HAVE at least 6B in ALLIES

    Step 6:

    You can do this however you like, there are 3 types of upgrading,
    1.)Mass Upgrade/Upgrading everything at once
    2.)Save up the gold to upgrade a building fully then buy it
    3.)Right when you get enough you replace with lvl 1 war aviary

    I recommend 2

    4.) Replace all guilds but 5 with war aviary's
    5.) When you have done that, convert your war aviary's in Circle of elementals
    6.) You should have 19 lvl 3 CoE's and 5 guilds
    7.) Optional, Turn your guilds into SoS's
    Here is what your stats should look like
    With 5 guilds and 19 CoE's
    Atk: 1,800,136
    Def: 1,800,136
    Spy Atk: 67,500
    Spy Def: 67,500
    With 5 SoS and 19 CoE's
    Atk: 1,800,136
    Def: 1,800,136
    Spy Atk: 324,800
    Spy Def: 324,800
    8.) You should now upgrade your castle to lvl 2 :)


    Step 8:

    1.) Explore Highlands 1-25 Upgrade your castle to lvl 3 when you get 12 hl
    2.) Put CoE's on every highland

    Step Cost: 2,357,500,000,000


    Step 9:

    1.) Replace all CoE's in highlands with Colonies
    2.) Congrats you are HLBC!! :)
    Step cost: 4,375,000,000,000

    Your Stats should be like this
    With 5 Guilds 19 CoE's and 25 Colonies and a lvl 3 castle
    Atk: 7,722,586
    Def: 7,722,586
    Spy Atk: 107,500
    Spy Def: 107,500
    With 5 Sos 19 CoE's and 25 Colonies and a lvl 3 castle
    Atk: 7,722,586
    Def: 7,722.586
    Spy Atk: 364,800
    Spy Def: 364,800

    Thank you for reading if i missed any steps please reply.
  2. Looks more like a guild guide gave up reading.
  3. Good guide except this is very build specific. If the account plans to war or anything, do not place balanced buildings. Plus mixed builds earn more plunder than the balanced build. It's all here ---> Balanced vs Mixed
  4. Its good but u need to add that u start off as a guild hansel and why the buildings u chose instead of the others available. Other than that amazing post good job
  5. Perfect :) this guide is amazing 

    Full support and i will be using it for my students who wish to become an attack build
  6. nice one man! :)
  7. All I did was 3x haunts, put up guilds. Made more gold, put up coe's. Llbc in a day, now I am working on ll conversion to coe's :)
  8. Bump. Because its going down the list and i like this thread.
  9. pretty sure an attk build has attk based buildings, not balanced :/
  10. coe's on low lands then, hatcheries on the highlands.
  11. Still on step 8 -____-
  12. With hoarfrost I would add spy def towers
  13. I guarantee you that if you stay all guilds with 1 attack building until you get to land 40. You will pass everyone and grow at 30% faster rate once into the highlands. That's with the conversions back to tack buildings at land 40. Pm me in law if u need guidance. ;-)
  14. And I have many references that i have helped that will tell you this method works best
  15. @black. You may be correct about growing faster if you remain a hansel. But I do believe you pulled that 30% straight out of your ass.