ATA: Stop Hosing us you Hosers!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. Listen up you ATA hosers


    Lets see, I spent 54 mith on spells, did 60 actions with 2ko and all I get is 63 mith. What kind of pine trees are you smoking up there in Canada? Has the cold winter frozen yer brains already?

    Stop telling people that they get more mith if they cast more because that huge pile of moose  if you ask me.


    Oh yes, by the way, how come our clan rating stays the same even though we won? This has happened TwICe this weekend. Stop getting high off of maple syrup and beaver poo and start doing your jobs.

    Frog out 
  2. Someone's mad.
  3. Some is too small to farm. Lol
  4. I am ashamed of our player base. All you guys do is complain. I dont even want the mith and xtals that were given by the devsn take it back devs. This is ridicilous. Frog stop acting like a noob. Be happy you guys had decent match and you actually won and got rancor level.
  5. We got guys who earned less mith than they casted. What's up with that?
  6. Shut up Tvo

    Sorry I'm don't go around kissing ATA ass like you do. I say if someone screws you over, fight back, don't beg them to hit you harder.
  7. I agree tvorez. Everyone complains and nobody does anything.
  8. Just looked at your war. Its simple the other side didnt cast full mith spells.The overall pool of mith that you guys won came only from your side. Mith got redistributed according to actions that is why some got less. Not devs fault but the clan u were matched against. Think it thru before blaming on devs
  9. Your opponents exploiting vp eb you dummy. Blame them, not devs
  10. Clan rank stays the same because you have to beat someone a higher prestige I think.
  11. i got the same when we wared that clan if they dont hit back u get less profit its clans like that that will ruin the game
  12. This is the simple fact:

    ATA SAID the more mith you cast, the more you get. Well, I casted 12 different mith spells, and got only 9 profit. That's less than one mith a spell. I say somebody has been lying to us.

    Unless you got an explanation on why ATA is lying to us, get your broen noses out of their butts.
  13. He who call a hosed is to be a hoser for life.
  14. Blame my opponents? Are you that mentally stupid? Do you think I personally picked the clan we are fighting? You truly are dense. ATA picked our opponents and this ATA has responsibility.
  15. Thy ruin the payout only. I bet they wetent rven fully potted. Mith, # of actions, pots, it all goes into final payout of mith. Problem is that only frogs clan contributed toward payout. Frog also u simply wasted alot of mith. Only troop and spy spells contribute towards the final payout. U maxed spells and didnt get much back. I say you u got lucky. Ur clannies could have had ur mith rofl.
  16. Frog, I am Canadian and I am offended with the derogatory comments you have made about us Canadians, if you don't like the game leave. I honestly think the devs should take forums away from kaw, because all people do is complain.
  17. @ disaster

    This no change has happened twice to us. We get a notification that it has changed when it hasn't.
  18. Frog you are obvious noob. Its ur opponents fault u got bad mith payout. Thats because thy didnt cast any mith. And u r even more noob by casting all spells. U dont get more mith by casting more spells u moron. Devs clearly stated that only first 4 actual stat spells are used for increasing mith payouts. All other ones dont do anything.