ATA is the next EA

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Devil-__-Kyoto__JK-__-Devil, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. So, if you've ever played an EA game (promidently FIFA), you know how much of a bad game it is. However, they're the best kind of worst they could be. ATA (similar to FIFA) consistently bring out new things and updates, almost 'brain washing' you into thinking they care about you and their game. But in reality, all they care about is money. They don't give a rat's ass about new players coming in, they just put players that have been playing for a while under their 'wing' by giving them new stuff. And you might think "what's bad about new stuff?", well, getting new stuff is all fine and dandy, but it's not good when YOU HAVE TO PAY! If you're a new player, it's hard to grow if you don't spend money on this game as you kind of have to rely on item stages as you can't even get max bloody plunder. This will probably get hate and such but honestly it's the truth. Sorry if I 'offended' you.
  2. There might be a couple of mistakes I made in there, sorry if there is
  3. Wall of text, not cool dude
  4. No good with bbcode or whatever, just needed to get this of my non-hairy chest.
  5. I feel hard done by because I probably would have read this but it was a wall of text 
  6. You've never read a book then?
  7. New players don't have to spend money because they "rely on item stages." TFO is a free and easy to complete EB with an item stage that only costs 60k per item , and will pay out a decent amount of gold to small players.
  8. Yes but how much would you say it pays out?
  9. A good amount for a small account. Also, if you look at the KaW Roadmap posted by kaw_admin back in January, you'll see that they said that they said that clan and pvp updates are on the long road map (so they're not being pushed to come out "soon", but that they are being worked on), which are things players have been asking for and aren't just another event.
  10. A whole item stage on TFO gets you 600-800mill bonus
  11. I currently have a growing alt and I'm having trouble with finding an Ally so I can actually have max plunder

    ATA plz
  12. I have, but don't expect to have to read a block of text on a virtual game.
  13. Whine whine whine... It's a business dummy. Would you like to make a games for thousands of people, spend all your time working with it, listen to all the complaints, etc, and then go home to your cardboard box with a package of ramen noodles for dinner because you didn't get a paycheck? Business. Look it up. Besides no one is forcing you to pay. Look at my profile, still under a year playing and not a dime spent. Go cry to your mommy.
  14. The closest thing to the level coporate evil like EA is Abstergo (gamer pun) ...also its not only FIFA it happens with Battlefield ...and pretty much all the EA titles ...their agressive marketing WITHIN THEIR OWN GAMES is a bltant slap in the face to everyone who plays their games..they also supress awesome companies like Dice and Bioware...who release sub-par rushed games because of EAs greed...BF4 wouldnt have been the bug studed piece of crap that it was if Dice hadnt been rushed...IF THEY MESS UP STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT SO HELP ME GOD....
  15. I think I got 1bil from reckoning item stage
  16. To Op,

    EA is EA. ATA is ATA.

    I have known that EA has been a company that has not been caring for the customers, at the worst. This is because they shut down most games including one of the most popular, non-violent games in history despite the outrage and rants of the players, especially the young, old and the ageing players. 5.8 million people had liked that game today as I see on the fanpage.

    ATA may also be an "Only-care about money" company but they DID show care towards us players here.
    You can see that
    Kaw_Community has replied to forum questions made by players extremely fast as well as emails and resolving issues, and they have did one thing that made the "PvP" group of players extremely happy which was:

    Starfall: Rush of the Shards

    Believe it or not, that made the whole world active again as players hit each other non-stop for the Fortuna Blade and shards!!

    As a kaw player, I still have hope in ATA! I believe that this game will keep going on and on today and the future!

    So I disagree, and I must say...No Support to OP.

    This game has lasted for 5 years! I believe ATA still cares about us! Don't lose hope of ATA! Our best days of Kaw are yet to come!!! :D