ATA, how can you possibly justify this?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. Okay. First look at me and my mate in the same war.



    I'm a big hitter and he's a small hansel. I casted 6 spells and he casted only 4. I did full pots on every single action. I beat him in plunder, successful actions, and KOs.

    So tell me, ATA, why in the name of sweet Jesus do you figure I deserve 10 less mith than him? Explain yourselves. Looks like someone is sweet on the small hansels.

    Btw 10 min regen sucks. Bring back random regen.
  2. Incoming and type of action also contributes to mithril yield. # of actions alone doesn't result in direct correlation of mithril return.
  3. Pots used and burned also applies.
  4. Yeh pots burned.
  5. Plus, the amount of total mith used by both sides accounts for the war's kittie.
  6. Also since you are big and he is small relative size vs opponent is probably a factor. Just like ebs the bigger you are the less it pays. Also your KO's could have been lower value targets than his. Too many unknown variables to accurately answer. And the devs wont tell you because if people knew they would work out how to exploit it lol
  7. Hansels are fuckin ridiculous
  8. Guild Hansels*
  10. Like I said. I used full pots all my actions. I burned just as much or more than he.
  11. Worm had been Bottom for 1hour with less inc, justify that u were top with more inc
  12. @willy

    That wouldn't explain why the devs decided to give Him more.
  13. I thought that worm name length was suppose to be penalized during ee wars? Don't look like it was in the ss.
  14. @rexi

    It seems stupid that I deserve Less mith because I was a more active target. It's not my fault people don't want to hit gh because they give bad plunder. Given that, he was KOed just ASCII as me.
  15. Also you ko's effect your overall rating. If ata told us how some jerk would be writing a bot program to mess with it. I had on Non Self KO cost the clan 264M loss and I'm sure my Mith income when we won. One smaller player got 40 more than me. If you fight coming out of pin you do less damage on Sucess My first war earning Mith was 48 hours 24B to 120B I only got 21 Mith, so I'm good with 63 in 2 hours
  16. @ monster

    My KOs were lower value targets? I hardly think so. Either way, he had just 2 KOs to my 7. Does that make any sense?
  17. I'm assuming a great deal of your actions are scouts?

    Scouts don't burn opponents pots.

    Hansels main actions are assassinations which do burn opponents pots as well as use them.

    This is why Hansels always get more mith. They usually get less gold though so is fair.