ATA - Customer Service Issues

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Freeflyjunki, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. After all the uneven mismatched wars this past weekend ATA has acknowledged that issues with the match ups did exist and that they did not live up to ATA/KAW standards and that they will be dedicating resources to rectify problem in future. This is fantastic and Thank you ATA for this.
    This however does not address the issue that ATA has so far refused to refund the players in question the xtals that they spent or mith lost. "Even though ATA has acknowledged an issue that has cost their valued customer base both monetarily in xtals and non monetarily in mith spent no credit will apply". This I find very disturbing as it shows a complete disregard for their customers and the business that we support by buy xtals, pro packs etc. Usually when a company identifies an issue that has cost the customer base they do 2 things: 1. Identify problem, look for solution to problem do it doesn't happen again.
    2. Compensate customers for loss with a refund,rebate, credit or something and apologize with an explanation and communicate what is being done so that problem does not arise again.
    ATA you are half way there.
  2. What xstals lost?
  3. Stop whining. The devs can do whatever they want. It's their game. They could shut it down tomorrow. But they won't. So quit complaining and be happy they still run the game.
  4. Im still waiting for them to say what theyre about the ee balance issues.
  5. Nvm. Probably one of those amazing people in the welfare line asking for your "Obama Money". Fools need to realize the world, or ATA, doesnt "owe" them anything.
  6. Actually yes ATA does owe me a refund. If you buy a toaster and it is broken you take it back for a refund
  7. The limit xstals in the ewars to 1, I believe, so monetarily u shouldn't have lost anything really. Then also y bother giving back mith used for the spells since its not like u weren't making full use of them the entire time they were active. I can on the other hand see u wanting them to give some kind of refund for the prices on the new equipment, but for the most part this sounds ridiculous the loses from these 4 hr wars aren't high so there is no need for re-compensation.
  8. So tnt, are you saying starving african children shouldnt be helped because the world owes them nothing? They should just go get a job mining diamonds in the hills of africa and earn a living while theyre being attacked by mosquitos and dying of malaria. I see how it is. You MURDERER!
  9. Homedawg, did you just compare a player loosing a xtal and some mith to a starving african child?
  10. It is more on principle: For ATA to rebate or refund costs nothing. I went into a situation where I was under impression I could loose xtals and mith knowingly yes. But I would have the opportunity to win rewards and be compensated if we won. The situation turned our to be non winnable period and ATA has acknowledge this. All I am looking for is for ATA to actually do the right thing from a moral and business perspective and that is to compensate the players that lost due to a glitch in the match up system. That they themselves have said did not meet ATA standards
  11. I was comparing tnts logic that nobody should get any free help to starving africans.
  12. Tnts logic falls on obamas promise for u.s. And how to help those who have hit hard times (or using this oppurtunity to take advantage of said system). His logic falls on 1st world problems, not on something that is a serious predicament, and we should actually help those in such countries because there are inhumane acts being wraught and actions no moralistic person would normally allow to happen.
  13. @fire you say it doesn't cost anything it will cost them that one xstal u could have bought instead of them giving u, those pro packs u may want to help give urself and extra edge next war, etc. The cost may not be obvious but there is a reason y the don't like to just give us xstals ATA IS A BUSINESS they are chasing the almighty dollar and want more. They lose out every time they GIVE us anything.
  14. The devs did not take your xstals, you freely used them. They owe you nothing.
  15. What people fail (and refuse) to recognize is the fact that those that participated in the war did so with the assumption that the developers would provide us with a fair match. This assumption is not unwarranted because they had run plenty of trials and have shown through the ASW and summer wars that then can properly match clans up.

    Asking, and expecting, a refund for mithril lost due to being on the unfair end of a matchup done by the developers is not unreasonable.

    Admittedly, the funds spent on a four hour war (approximately 40 mithril and 2 crystals) may not seem to be a lot. But with the withdrawal of mithril sales and the need to spend real money on the crystals, there should be compensation if the mistake was on the part of the developers. If no foul play is found on the part of us, the players, yet the match ups are still unfair, the developers should give the players more than a simple apology. What? I do not know but an apology is not sufficient for such a mistake.
  16. I might agree that mith could be refunded bc some people might cast before seeing their opposition(idiots), but not xstals. I your getting pounded by a clan 2x your size and you xstal, thats on you, not ata
  17. And TNT, I think that is where most people would agree with you on. A compensation of some sorts would make those that were on the smaller side of the matchup content. Mithril is a highly valued commodity and I'm sure appreciated.