ATA any update on ZAFT Corp EE ?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by spookyrobbie, Dec 19, 2013.

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  1. Dear Kaw_admin ,

    Your last communication was that you where investigating Zaft Corporation EE activity ( the previous EE where there was only 1 hit) and as yet we all r still awaiting with abated breath on the outcome as the integrity of EE is at stake if it is not a software issue.
  2. Might have something to do with the fact that they didn't actually cheat, buddy. 
  3. What's to investigate? Zaft don't war Zaft. They picked a guy to hit, secure the win, and waited.
    Case closed, moving on.
  4. Thank you for your concern about the integrity of the game spooky. How does this compromise the integrity of EE?
  5. Castiel

    Regardless if they are Zaft or not, you cant throw EE wars.
  6. #Discussion.

    Its a trap!
  7. I think he's implying that they set the match so they would get that clan, and secure an easy win. No idea why, since no mith was earned. If clans could set matches, could be bad for ee.

    But since they obviously didn't, and just didn't want to wreck a subclan and waste valuable mith, I don't see his point.
  8. Castiel your wrong… look at zaft rst history and look at some of the wars against other zaft clans.
  9. @lahwf
    You can, and they did. I see no rule against it. If one clan decides not to hit there's nothing stopping it. Now doing this over and over would be an issue, bit this happened once against a sub.
  10. Losing clan gets the vanished paladin EB. But look at new age, losing all those EE wars for TVP. But ZAFT does it and ohhhh crap ban them all. Oh wait, it is the people ZAFT are in osw with. Specifically the clan that had members banned last osw with them. That explains it.
  11. Well if they didnt want to get matched together they both shouldn't have warred.

    When you get a matchup, you are supposed to try and win. Doesnt matter who your hitting.
  12. @blackout
    So RST decided to try their luck. That was their choice. Carnage's subclan (who's name currently escapes me) was free to opt out of wasting their mith. Time lost, surely, but mith is more valuable than that to war clans.
  13. But Castiel there is a rule against it (i think) correct me if im wrong
  14. Name you looking for is new world pirates I believe 
  15. Maybe throwing every match, bit they didn't. They matched a clan, didn't wreck it, everyone walked from the war happy
    I was going to mention that but felt it wasn't my place.
  16. So when I get matched with RH, well it's nearly impossible for me to win - my clan can just completely throw the match and not do anything?
    I would like for KaW admin to answer this please.
  17. Baka how bout posting with your main instead of being a pansy?
  18. You are free to, but I imagine RH won't let you go as easily. You will still lose gold from banking and pots. Imagine the Zaft vs NWP (Thanks Blackout) as two allies on opposite sides of a war, as they were. Zaft fired one shot just to say they won, but inflicted no casualties upon their ally.
  19. Correct me if I'm wrong but so blatantly obvious throwing an EE match for there own gain without any recourse or action from yourselves is hardly endearing.

    Especially when those who wish to not only participate but spend real money on xtals to win the kudos and benefits from the EE.

    Integrity is all about trust in what you do and yes as a software developer you might not always get software releases correct first time but you openly mentioned through forum communication that this incident would be investigate to which we are still disappointingly still awaiting a response. As a result of this incident if no action is take how can you possibly instil any trust to the genuine players who want to participate in EE ?
  20. *"their own game" as opposed to "there own game ". You want to try to sound like you're intelligent then always better to get the basics right. Such a shame as I bet you spent ages writing your reply .

    As for the issue, will kaw admin silence anyone wrongly accusing another of cheating? So does that mean it's either zaft get banned from EE or Op gets silenced?

    I can't wait for the next instalment in this soap opera .

    Snr 
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