Discussion in 'Wars' started by harry-potter, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. Hi all just wondered what tactics you BIG guys and girls will be using in the ASW I'm just small fry in the big bad world of KAW.

    Start from pin? All out attacking? Stripping?

    I don't expect any replys but would be interesting if some would post!

    Good luck to all that made it.

    Bring on the WAR I shall be watching should be very interesting with all those BIG names
  2. Stay in pin and xtal when you find an opening
  3. Caffeine  , lots of caffeine.
  4. When u r being hit- press reset button,ull get over10000000 stats 
  5. Just going to bed and picking up my free gifts in the morning
  6. your a terrible person
  7. I wouldn't even say I was that nice. Ok, it was a smokescreen. My real tactics are to select a player on the opposing side and to attack them. What's yours?
  8. Im not in it lol  im too little.
  9. Strip a spy and make it a PW!
  10. All of the wars wil b like the summer war final, turtle war boring as hell
  11. Stay pinned and get as much plunder as possible. That's pretty much everybody's plan.
  13. ASW STAMPOFAPPROVAL
  14. I think the first thing to do is to agree upon a common war plan. With so many diff players from diff tz, clan and play style, there are bound to be many cooks stirring the soup... If the clan can agreed upon a war cmdr, someone with a rep and a vet in warring, will be gd to set the clan on a common path. Important is not to argue wats the right thing to do, rather, set the right timing and right targets for each builds and all shd follow thru without qns.

    Nex, I would prefer to screen thru both rosters for spy builds with allies, perfect for opponent to strip. Identify them and put them on constant monitoring, Cus I doubt strangers will be willing to drop allies or convert at this point... Allocate admins for tasks such as posting win/lost counts, checking our spy builds more frequently so we may kick any leaking spy builds ASAP.

    Then I would hav like to set specific task and targets for our builds. Make it simple and short, preferably ez and straight forward enough to put on ca. Cus everyone who come online will goes: "so wats the plan"... I would hav hate to repeat the war plan all over. Pal is another way but any strangers could hav sneak in. Some clan mates may not hav as much Exp in war. So make ca and instructions as simple as possible. Eg could be: phase 1 hitters atk, unload and ffp, spy steal low spy def hi stats targets, all spy atk < 300k ass osf etc etc. some war jargons and acronyms could be useful to make ca war reports short and in common tongue.

    Usually I would hav broken down the war plan into phases. Usually an opening fight phase which focus on pinning opponent roster ASAP, then a sweeping phase' which allocate a sweeping range for each player. Sometimes an ad Hoc phase to unload crystals on open osf or mass assault attempt if many opponent suddenly comes online. And if many are of same tz, a late night sweeping phase to keep own guys pin and continue sweeping opponent could proof useful.

    My 3 cents....
  15. 1st thing to do is pay me to farm other side and strip em
  16. Pray my wife doesn't divorce me after ignoring her for 24hrs!
  17. that's so true
  18. Lol hawaii
    Introduce ur wife how to play this game
    Make sure it will be fun and easy for her
    Base on experienced 
  19. Eli u r incredible as war commander
    However i believe there will lots of putzes who are "sleeping and collecting their gifts in the morning". I foresee lots of meat.
    As well due to that ppl should avoid drama by hitting their friends.
  20. Not a lot of posts, but when they start rolling in, the students shall thrive!