ASW Announcement

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Sep 24, 2022.

  1. Greetings Warriors

    [ATA]Will here. Today, I’m sad to announce that All Star Wars (ASW) will not be returning for 2022. The team has given this a lot of thought and discussion, and we think it’s the right decision for the game. I’ll give a quick overview as to why, and then go into more details below.

    The Short Version

    • ASW has suffered from technical issues since its inception - we’ve invested a significant amount of time trying to root it out but despite several rounds of improvements, it still doesn’t provide a reliable gameplay experience

    • There’s a high chance that any participant in ASW will run into significant gameplay issues with lag, matchmaking or scheduling

    • As ASW continues to create significant player disappointment, it in turn creates an all-consuming deluge of support requests that make it very difficult for us to provide quality support and community engagement

    • Through surveys, ticket feedback, and the forums we’ve monitored what the community cares about most - and what we’ve identified is that ASW creates more upset than joy and it only really gets mentioned when it breaks

    • At this stage, we don’t want to promise anything we can’t deliver, and fixing ASW continues to prove an incredibly complex issue with no clear ultimate fix

    • For the short to medium term future, we think the team’s resources will be better spent on some of our upcoming projects that we know we can really deliver a great experience on much sooner

    The Details

    When ASW was first created, it was in the spirit of move-fast-and-break-things! This was a time of rapid experimentation where we made really cool stuff without focusing on reusability or ease of maintenance. This resulted in updates that are super exciting but require a lot of manual setup and intervention from our engineers. At the time this made perfect sense, and allowed us to more easily generate awesome mechanics for players to enjoy, while helping us identify what players were after most.

    However, as with ASW, this means we now have various events and mechanics that players really love, but we’ve never quite been able to get to work consistently and smoothly. Over time, these things can begin to destabilize more, even performing worse than they had originally. The many issues we mentioned above regarding lag, matchmaking, scheduling and balance issues are prime examples of this cascade and have ultimately led to negative player experiences.

    It’s not to say we haven’t tried tackling it. Countless hours of work have been put into creating reliable and sustainable methods for events like ASW, but it is just not something we have been able to crack. Some of the work we’ve done over the years includes testing out various types of wars back in the day, upgrades to our servers and architecture, and even moving ASW to run during the week, so we could have more engineers readily on standby should any issues occur, but it hasn’t lead to any significant gains in the realm of ASW issues.

    As we move ahead, we want to ensure new pieces we roll out are reliable and sustainable, so we can provide the best experience possible for loyal players. This means more incremental testing, instead of dropping significant changes and letting players deal with the consequences.

    This year and last year’s surveys were really helpful in casting light on what folks want to see most for the future of KaW. Thank you to all that completed them as the results confirmed for us that ASW was not the most important factor for the majority of players and assisted in our decision making. The information collected in surveys has already helped us identify ways to make tweaks for the better of players.

    We know there will be more than a few people who really do love ASW and will be sad it's not coming this year, and we truly are sorry we couldn’t make it work for this year.

    We realize that for some folks, what ASW really represented was an opportunity to show the community what they were made of and earn bragging rights. We want you to know that we are investigating alternate formats and mechanics that will help to fill that gap, so there will be no mistaking who is the most formidable.

    Thanks for taking the time to give this a read.
    - [ATA] Will and the Dev Team
    #1 ATA-Will, Sep 24, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2022
    xSyn_BloodyElle, Thrawn and Lord2Gunz like this.
  2. Well this is trash
    Wakebuster, _Eulix_, Erebus and 24 others like this.
  3. This event is what many players grind for and try to keep ahead of the current power curve. By taking this away, your removing all that hard work that many players have strived to achieve. Or spent money on game to keep up with other players I think not doing ASW will have a negative effect on many players
  4. I propose an alternate bragging right method which includes tracking and ranking your Win/Loss in wars. This will give pvpers something to grind for while you tweek matching to match those with higher ranks together this means less inactives, less throwing at the top tier of war
  5. So you've taken away the biggest event of the year due to other projects and smaller side events... unacceptable...
  6. Really disappointed with this decision from the devs, ASW has always been a great event to look forward to by a lot of players.
  7. Tell me you don’t wanna do your job by telling me you don’t wanna do your job
  8. Well nothing more than expected! What ever we ask for we get the opposite! Well done ata your Ratners moment has arrived
  9. As everyone else is, I am quite disappointed by this announcement. Disappointed in the choice to not run ASW, and also very much disappointed in the player base for complaining endlessly in previous years about the problems with ASW. Yes, in each of the past two years the clans inadvertently disbanded but the devs put us back and the players who acquired Trillions in charms were forced to trade back. The issues were suitably rectified yet people complained about the war which in my view, went really well overall and the problems were always suitably fixed in my opinion. Lastly I’m disappointed in the players for not listing war as a top priority but I guess it makes sense. Fewer players compete in ee each event than the number of active players who do ebs only.

    just really sucks. Without a replacement of any sort, I’m not sure what purpose I would have for spending xtals and nobs to gain in bfa and charms anymore. I could easily get t50 regular ee war with a zero bfa and low charm account.
  10. It's the End of the world as we know it
    Cai, -winger-, StarCutter and 10 others like this.
  11. When they first came out we had 2 clans. We got hit by all of kaw who couldn’t get into it. We got told we would revive an achievement award that would give the best percentage in game and we needed to wait because you didn’t get to testing it yet and you wanted to be sure it was THE BEST reward ever. We got nothing for years. Finally we get a badge with 0 stats and nothing that was promised. We never even got an apology for the lies that got told us.
  12. Asw has been around from the get go. I think what the player base would want following this announcement is some evidence of effort into changing the current format, or developing a new idea in relation to war.

    The majority of players who participate in wars will not be happy with this statement, what will further this would be a follow up post regarding a new premium eb or a pointless legend.

    You mentioned you don’t want it to inevitable fail? Beta test it. Get those who typically rank top 100 on war legends to cast a unique spell, pull them into clans, let them war, see what works and what doesn’t.

    If you show engagement with this player base you will notice a much higher success rate as right now, we don’t feel listened to.
  13. Basically the Devs don’t care. There’s no effort by them as that’s the cause not the players who have voted for tap tap EB’s that don’t hit back, multiple account charm farms giving out a 1,000 charms (no way a single player could even trade those), no direct access to problems. There’s only a few that are left of the old initial starting year & we all looked forward to ASW. it’s such a shame. BET THE DEVS WONT CANCEL BLACK FRIDAY AS IT LINES THERE POCKETS.
  14. I wish devs would just create a premium war series with awesome rewards. I would much rather pay to line their pockets by getting in return, awesome wars, then what I’m currently paying to just tap HtR.
  15. Such a sad time, the reason I returned was to participate in asw. It’s so sad. Wars have had multiple issues and it’s unbelievable. ASW was the reason I even began to war, it got so many ee players addicted to this game. So sad.
  16. "ASW creates more upset than joy and it only really gets mentioned when it breaks" this is such a lie lol.

    Anyways hope you extend our stars like you did for seasonal winners 🌚🌟
  17. I hope this is a joke. A lot will quit because of this. I came back to kaw for ASW!!! Now I see no reason to play as u took away the fun part and don’t care to improve ee war and make it better rewards.. let me guess y’all would rather spend time on making another premium to line ur pocket instead of doing what the community wants