Assassins(RotHQ) Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -Kat, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Once youve read it put the feedback here, thanks loves. Hope you enjoyed my strange dream. XD
  2. It was odd...
  3. Odd in a good way?
  4. Feedback anyone? I'm not that crazy
  5. Weird. But cool.

    Couple things you might want to be careful of: not punctuating inside quotation marks ("Sure" "Oh, and take Brian with you") and unnecessary fragmenting. Some fragments can actually help with the flow of your story, in my opinion. But not too many. Neither happens very often, but it disrupts your flow.

    The idea has potential to go many different directions-- granted, I've only read the first two chapters and prologue. Heh. We'll see.
  6. Its good and has a very unique plot!
  7. Awesome. I command thee to write more!!!
  8. Write more cause it was great
  9. Please continue! It is an interesting story