Assassin price range and pay

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Assassin112345 (01), Nov 28, 2009.

  1. Pay rates are as follows:
    tier one
    players 1 million

    tier two
    players 50 million

    tier three
    players 75 million

    players 100 million

    the money willbe paid into accounts directly via me
  2. Can you please explain in detail how the assasins are paid? I know many people are wondering the same thing.
  3. I'm a leaderboarder 
  4. I will be paid by contractor andthen pay contractee by buying allies off them
  5. Our only profit will be the 4% profit that you make by the sale of each allie
  6. Ah okay!!

    And where to sign up? :)
  7. I understand that but how are you paid? You said with allies but I still don't get it. I'm sure it seems obvious to you but just be patiant with us slower ppl
  8. Lol, you answered as I wrote that last one thanks
  9. He buys all your allys.
    If a ally is sold, you get 104% of its worth.
    So you get a bit money.
  10. Right

    Contractee appoaches assassin, price is agreed and contactee purchases allies from assassin to the value agreed and assassin makes 4% profit.

    Assassin then contracts an assassin to carry out that contract and when complete buys the contract value of allies from you giving you a 4% profit
  11. Yay! I can hire tier 1 and... And.... Nope wait, that's it xD
  12. This confused me. 
  13. I dont understand the whole tier thing
  14. Oh I see pay depends on target, then someone picks who would do best against that player?
  15. Targets will be placed into tiers according to their stats ie newbies will be tier 1 price for the contract is one mill

    this will then be contracted out to a lower tier assassin who however will be stronger than the target and so on
  16. So what tier wud i be
  17. Does the member get to pick which allies are bought, or is it just random or whatever allies u choose etc? And what's an example of a typical contract? Does it last for hours, days, minutes?
  18. I understand now. Alright, feel free to put targets on my wall anytime. I get bored ya know. 

  19. A contract will last 3 hrs