ask me questions

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PurpleEyelashh, Jun 14, 2016.

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  1. Ask your local possible catfish question
  2. Inb4daphina
  3. what is your name?
  4. daphnia. good call.
  5. Hi this was very polite and I cry much appreciate. It
    I am fine how are you?
  6. Hi very good question you know my name tho I've told you q million times
  7. What colour are your eyelashes?
  8. You never told me. Wait maybe once
  9. she's the mod i should contact to lock this thread.

    i won't, but i should.
  10. Purple obviously
  11. This thread is just an innocent off topic thread :/
  12. i never would have guessed.
  13. Wordwaster us mean
  14. who me? i'm a teddy bear.

    a mean teddy bear.
  15. Like chuckle doll
  16. This got off the topic really fast
  17. Rp is for losers
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