)xxxxx[;;;;;;;;;;;;>Our Story<;;;;;;;;;;;;]xxxxx( We are The Bearers Of Fate. Since the beginning, our goal has been to do nothing but win and succeed! House-MD and DraftDeath have been fighting and surviving in the world of KAW for over 3 years now, and within those three years, they have been planning and planning their epic outbreak into the clan-owning buisness. Finally, after all those years and planning, Armifera Fatum is now live and running! We will stop at nothing and for nobody to reach our goal, and we need soldiers like you to help us achieve it! The door is always open, so come now! )xxxx[;;;;;;;;>Short-term Missìon<;;;;;;;;]xxxx( Our current mission is to help the many beginner kaw players grow and become the size they've always dreamed of becoming. We will personally train and teach all individuals who are willing to be apprenticed! The staff and council at Armifera Fatum seek nothing in return but to spread the good word of our good deeds. )xxxx[;;;;;;;;>Long-term Mission<;;;;;;;;]xxxx( In the long run, we wish to have a large and growing family of clans with all different purposes. But specifically for Armifera Fatum, we would like to become a strong, well-known and respected B2B HTE clan. **WE ARE SEVERELY IN NEED OF ADMINS AND PERMANENT MEMBERS. ╳║╓╖║╓╖ ╓║║║║║║╖╓╓╖ ╙╜╙╜╜╜╙║║╙╖ ╓╖╓╖╖╥╓╙╜╙╜ ║║║║║║║ ╜╙╙╜╙╨╜ AND BECOME AN OFFICIAL ╥╖╥╖╥╖╥╖╥╖╥╖ ╫╢╫╴╫╢╢╢╫╴╢╢╥╖╥╖ ╨╜╙╜╜╙║╙╙╜║╙║║╫╴ ╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╙╜╨ ╥╖╥╖╓╥╖╥╖ ╫╴╫╢╙║╜╫╴ ╨╴╜╙╱╨╲╙╜ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ╥╖╥╖╥╥╖╖╥╖╥╖╥╖╥╖ ╫╢╢╢╢╢╢║╫╴╫╴╢╢╫╢ ╜║╨╙╜╨╙╙╨╳╨╜╨╙╜║ ╳╨╳╳╳╳╳╳╥╖╥╖╓╥╖║╓╥╥╖ ╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╫╴╫╢╙║╜║║║║║ ╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╨╳╜║╱╨╲╙╜╜╨╙ ╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~