Arisa: St. Annabell Girls Academy FEEDBACK THREAD>

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by XxBrooke_ParisXx, Dec 31, 2011.

  1. Post you comments about my story Arisa: St. Annabell Girls Academy! You can also WALL me or POST ideas for the story here! :D
  2. (Well trying to set the colour fail :()
  3. This is so annoying. Please make several notes to yourself about your new years resolution:

    I will not post several stories a month and abandon them a few days later. I will stick to two stories max.
  4. :lol:

  5. WTF Feather? What r u talking about?!
  6. Bypassing is grounds for a forum ban. I'll feedback the devs.
  7. Bypassing? What did I do?! :0
  8. Good story so far (I don't see a bypass either... I'd ignore her)
  9. Bonkers, shut up please. WT* is a bypass. The asterisk is ****.

    A hunter is a male. A huntress is a female. Stay in school.
  10. Hasn't this argument been heard before pretty sure those three letters arent a bypass
  11. Yes they are. I've read Corinthians silencing rules.
  12. And forum rules.
  13. Coruntian u say 0.o haven't seen him/her in forever
  14. Dude I just read the rules it says those three letters are not a bypass
  15. There isn't a bypass here feather...
  16. Bonkers, you're an idiot. The acronym WT*, which stands for what the ****.
  17. But alas, iron is right.