SOS hansels rock! unless they are against a full mith equip towered GH. Wait, I can hit those too. :lol:
SOS hansels give out more plunder than gh but make the same. It really matters on how u use it though.
Gotta know how to use your actions if you move from guilds to SoS because you will become a plunder target for Att builds and Hyb builds. Guilds have the handicap that they pay like crap when SoSs pay significantly better. You'll do more damage but you'll take more incomings; don't let that stop you though as you will learn how to war with your build as you gain experience
Hansels without adt and GHs are weak now imo. They leak a LOT of gold, allowing the enemy to rack up large plunder with little troops. GHs are an easy pin, and all towers to for a GH is reduce their own plunder as they're still easy to hit.
If u cant use your hansel mechanics in war yes u will bleed gold out but if u bank your gold only hybirds and hansels can hit u. On my side of the story they all fail lol so tower up
^ You may do well yourself but you can't tell how much gold you leak. Chances are, a hansel your size, with no towers will be leaking huge amounts of gold if you aren't constantly banked.
Well if u are a hansel and DO estoc wars u need to bank evry time u make plunder otherwise it aint worth been hansel and I leak like zero plunder as evryone fails lol