Are defencive buildings worth it anymore?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by KTfreak4jesus, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Since the time when the first set of epics came out, wars and attacking other members have become very little of what they used to be. This raises the question Are Defencive buildings worth buying?

    What are your opinions?

    I say no, cause i really only do epics and my attack buildings defence stat seems to keep up with with the attack stat.
  2. You must have never been stripped before.
  3. Is it strip time :twisted:
  4. Why troll the noob, we are suppose to guide them.   lol
  5. Defensive buildings have the best plunder in game as well as great defense. 

    I don't see why more people don't like them.
  6. Lol u just screwed yourself
  7. Guys seriously, ive been playing since 2010, ive had my fair share of strips and farms
  8. Defensive buildings have lost all value lately unless ur in an osw then they help u but how many ppl ur size get into an osw
  9. WoW bro? Why so small.... Must have been stripped and reset a few times.
  10. I think it's worth it depending on how you like to play the game. If EBs are your thing, then go for the attack buildings.

    I guess I should ask for clarity - are you talking about defensive troop buildings or towers?
  11. cheese kudos to you!
  12. 5 bil in allies
    9 ADP
    9 SDP
    Looks like a fun match awaits.

  13. I guess i forgot to say Towers... haha thanks

  14. Never reset :/ I just spent most of the last 5 months without an iphone
  15. If you just wanna do EBs, then don't even bother with towers. Just make sure you keep your gold banked in pots if you have a big mouth and like talking trash, like me.

    If you have any interest in PvP, then towers are essential.
  16. I'd have to say not worth it, with the new EB items maxed it's like you have 8 of each towers, depending on your setup.
  17. And never keep more allies than the minimum amount needed for max plunder. This used to be a rule of mine when I owned a clan.
  18. Still waiting for my comment to be addressed.
  19. First world problems.