Heres an idea, conversion from aqua to inferno make it cost 1 nob per aqua converted. That way the devs can cull a little profit out of the exchange.
Very low effort but I do agree. No reason not to convert aqua like BB. It cost so much to purchase but you only get back a percentage. So come up with a reason conversion rate and go for it devs.
Now a days most aqua comes from hte which the devs get paid on. There's just no good why the devs should not revamp the aqua part of the game. Ask yourself when was the last time anyone bought aqua with xystals. I know I never have.
Main problem is inferno it's too expensive and drops are too rare in my opinion a simple exchange between aqua and inferno would be nice.... Not saying on what scale but we are drowning in this aqua where the hell is the inferno !!!!
Devs can't do anything about current equips and the inferno to aqua ratio. But the newer equips are a little more fair. Inferno already drops more than aqua does..
Bull on that. Aqua drops more for me. I would even support something where "transmute 3 aqua for 1 inferno" and vice versa.