Aqua Vitae. 5 Reasons you shouldnt seal there

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Chris, Nov 10, 2014.

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  1. 1. Kick you after you seal
    2. Get butthurt
    3. Kick you after YOU SEALED
    5. drop you after you sealed

    Great HTE clan... ha

    If you have a seal, I wouldn't recommend dropping there. Here's a list of good hte clans: Slays War, LOTR, HTE Warriors, LOS clans, Reborn Mercs, & Lounge of Legends
  2. Hoarshed u barely hit so stop fronting
  3. 1. Be a racist prick
    2. Get mad when people don't like racists
    3. Spray Butthurt all over KaW.
    4. Pretend like we kick people all the time.
    5. Realise you were the first ever kicked from clan, and that you are a complete and utter waste of oxygen, from the oxygen you breathe, to the oxygen that your body displaces - which could otherwise be there.

    If I'm not wrong, this is a lockable thread - as it is defamatory and shows no evidence?
  4. Locking for double post.
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