If your like me. You have tons of aqua or inferno, and can't get the other. I have 169 aqua and 0 inferno. Some people have way to much Inferno and not enough aqua! It will take me forever to get my equipment maxed. There is a simple fix to this problem. You could trade 3 of one thing for one of the other. For example: 3 inferno could be traded for 1 aqua. Or 18 Aqua could be traded for 6 Inferno. This could help a lot of people when upgrading equipment. Do you think this in unfair? Should it be 5:1? Tell me what you guys think.
As soon as you trade in all your inferno for aqua youl start to get a ton of aqua drops but no inferno drops.
As much as i agree and like this idea, this will surely wont be implemented as this could cause people to simply buy aqua with gold via inferno, sure it'd be expensive but... Cheaper in terms of irl money lol
Oh. My. God. NOTHING like this has EVER been suggested before. You might be on to something! Support!!!!!!!!1111
Won't happen, aqua cost xtals and inferno is in game gold, just suck it up and buy inferno. I do like the idea though