Hello everyone !!!!!! I am wondering if it is possible to receive aqua even if you have not unlocked the mage yet, because I just received 3 aqua from FOD and I don't have the mage. If this is a glitch I just want to point out that kaw is glitching a lot concerning epic battles rewards.
Yup, it's very possible. When you unlock the mage all inferno and aqua rewarded will be there. I wish I could get some aqua :l
Same thing happened to me. It was there when I upgraded and got the mage. I had forgotten about it too. It was a nice little surprise.
The devs are gonna take back your aqua now!! Don't bother enchanting anything cause they will take that away as well..go ahead and email them begging for forgiveness and that they don't reset your account..good luck bro..you gonna need it :/