Aqua and Inferno trading

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by xXx-_-Dark_Uncle-_-xXx, Nov 5, 2013.

  1. I've noticed that some ppl are good at getting either aqua or inferno and would be good to be able to trade with other players helping both players out
  2. I like that idea! While u are building that perhaps an admin/owner chat function for clans!? 
  3. Support I have lots of aqua and cant do nothing with them but u can only put a certain min of money on them so u can go buying loads but put in mind kaw will not make as much gold on them but the could take a trading tax to help them generate as well
  4. I am absolutely in favor of both ideas listed above! Especially the admin/owner chat in the clans.
  5. No support from me. People could just buy the crappy infernos to trade someone for their hard earned aqua. It's not fair. Bought inferno needs to be improved first. Bought inferno has an awful success rate for enchanting equipment
  6. i disagree because you can easily trade off with your alt...
  7. Hey I just posted an idea just like this :p