appocolypse vs zaft details

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Hypnotic-Octoworm, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. I was wondering who's winning so far?
  2. Anyone can answer
  3. Fail troll is fail.
  4. I haven't been on for a while so I'm a little out of date
  5. That awkward moment when you spell apocalypse wrong :shock:
  6. That was pretty awkward I didn't know what to say after that it was so embarrasing
  7. It ended in mutual CF.
  8. So who won the war is what I'm wondering
  9. Nobody did, I just said it ended in mutual CF.
  10. Oh that's depressing
  11. You should stop and show respect for both sides they are both real warriors you should lock this tread
  12. What the hell?

    People he asked a question... Answer it, chill out and then let the thread die.

  13. When did this happen...?
  14. On b4 lock with a picture of the Beibs!

  15. Fox vs. iG details


    I was wondering who's winning so far?