App crash after update (droid & ios)

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by 3B_M0NST3R0F3_L0RD, Nov 25, 2016.

  1. Putting this out here because there's no way I'm the only one.

    After the ios app remake and the droid server side update, my wife's account ceased to work and constantly crashed when trying to log in with AtA Id.

    Now today after app update for droid my alt can no longer log in, it states "Couldn't get tech tree" then crashes. App worked perfectly fine the morning of and night before both instances.


    Wife has tried restore, cache clearing, data clearing, uninstall and reinstall with no luck.

    Android 4.0.4 kaw 3.49 and now 3.50


    On alt I have tried clearing cache, rebooting device and clearing data. I will not uninstall incase the same issue as my wife arises.

    Android 4.2 kaw 3.50


    If anyone else is having these issues please reply to this thread.


    My alt is still getting notifications, just can't get past loading/splash screen.

    Droid users: Dev update, they are aware of the issues but have no time frame on when it will be repaired.

    From Devs:

    Clarke replied:

    I spoke to the development team and in our latest build there is higher memory requirements and how the tech tree is structured. As we continue to roll out new features with our updates so do the memory requirements for all platforms. We are going to see what we can do on our end but it is recommended that you play on PC for now or alternatively obtain a newer device. Really sorry.

  2. Re: App crash after update (droid)

    Mine crash for a second
  3. Re: App crash after update (droid)

    My alt's kaw ios app is crashing too when trying to connect to server. It says loading till the app quits to ios home screen.

    ios 9.3.5 and kaw 1.99
  4. Re: App crash after update (droid)

    That's the exact thing my wife's and now my alt is doing, but my alt is now getting. "Couldn't get tech tree"
  5. Re: App crash after update (droid)

    More games tab lul.
  6. Re: App crash after update (droid)

    Same for iOS iPod touch 5th gen.
  7. Re: App crash after update (droid)

    My alt is on an iPhone and hasn't been able to get on
  8. Re: App crash after update (droid)

    Well this all just proves they are wrong when they told my wife it was her tablet.

    This shows that it is across platforms, multiple operating system and now multiple devices.

    Hopefully devs will at least comment soon, as I am sure there are many many more out there that lost access and can't log in from pc to comment.
  9. Re: App crash after update (droid)

    I walled grant about this thread. I would think you'd see a response soon as they could be potentially losing a lot of money from this.
  10. Re: App crash after update (droid)

    Ipod Gen 5 crashes on startup daily. Requires deletion and reinstall. Sent feedback but no reply (yet). Ongoing issue since newest update to app. Support op's concern. Any news from devs on this issue would be appreciated.
  11. Re: App crash after update (droid)

    The reinstall worked for me, so far, hopefully this is the only time it needs to be done.


    It's not working lol, ugh
  12. Re: App crash after update (droid)

    After seeing reinstalling worked for this player, I did the same. No luck still getting same error message

    Couldn't get tech tree
  13. Re: App crash after update (droid)

    Still no luck either. Devs sent a reply to my feedback server issue should be resolved....nope
  14. Re: App crash after update (droid)

    They just responded to my wife, said it's possibly an internal server issue, would get back to us.
  15. Re: App crash after update (droid)

    App crashes no matter what system
    Even has been slowed down badly
  16. Re: App crash after update (droid)

    My ipad keeps crashing since the last update. I've uninstalled kaw numerous times. Its very frustrating
  17. Re: App crash after update (droid)

    No response from devs?

    Tisk tisk... bet they respond super quick if it's about an in app purchase....
  18. Re: App crash after update (droid)

    Same for my alts. Have given up on them. The last iOS update seems to take a huge chunk of processing and other apps have slowed down.
    But kaw is the only one that doesn't work continuously. Still receive notifications though to rub salt in the wounds
  19. Re: App crash after update (droid)

    Please try the following troubleshooting steps: 1.) Make sure your account has an ATA ID. 2.) Delete both versions of KAW from your iDevice AND iCloud. Steps to delete from iCloud can be found here ( ... -dont-need). 3.) Reinstall the new version of KAW. Some players have found this helps. Please let us know otherwise. Thanks!

    ^ that is from KaW feedback for iOS. Haven't tried it yet.
  20. Re: App crash after update (droid)