Apology to TKR family

Discussion in 'Wars' started by fluffIes, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. I, fluffles
    Sincerely apologize for all the incoming hits you nooblets are about to receive. You're threatening a war clan?!? Lmao your clan owner threatened Val and said "I don't have time for you noob." Val can take your clan alone with his dozens of alts. I already had your member 09james90 crying to my wall and crying for help from noobs who previously whined on my wall. James also claimed to have 9 clans watching my every move. :lol:
    First off: I can farm anybody I want in a war game, it's called kingdoms at WAR.
    Second: **** off, you can't tell a clan with far more experience and bigger members that you're going to farm them all. :roll:
    Third: respect Val, unless you have 50 alts, you're ******
    Fourth: enjoy incoming hits noobs. 
  2. Reserved for explaining the whole story.
  3. *grabs popcorn*
  4. Bash those noobs
  5. Go kick some ass fluffles!
  6. I am standing by these words. You guys clearly dont know what you about to face lol. Nice job fluff
  7. Oh You've Done It Now
  8. Pass the popcorn, Leon.
  9. I'll explain the whole story (my side anyways, 2 sides to it) in the reserve spot.
  10. So thats what my owner was talking about lol
  11. So that's what the message on my wall from TKR council was. :|

    I'll probably be slapping them around soon
  12. *steals everybody's popcorn* :lol:
  13. like my clanmate said. You just have opened a clan of worms:) face the consequences.
  14. 600kcs minimum clan gonna whoop us! Everyone reset!
  15. fluffles! 
  16. Worms no more posts on this thread plz

  17. Yes, they threatened to have me reset. The person who started it all was walking people on my wall crying about being farmed to help him. He said "about time he got reset". Earlier someone else said "my clan is gonna farm you to reset :evil: ".
    Nope, :lol: not gonna happen. Been playing 2 1/2 years kicking ass.
  18. Was thread necessary could have waited for apology thread