Apology to Smooth

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *III_Y-O-U_III (01), Aug 28, 2013.

  1. On behalf of my family we request a cf from Smooth at MDK. Sorry for the misunderstanding and cooperation in sorting this out before it got out of hand.
  2. I think you should fight it out...
  3. Just crawl in a hole and die, never be sorry for attacking someone
  4. Another clan that won't fight anyone.

    What's with all the chump-assness on forums lately?
  5. Apparently you've been struck by the smooth criminal
  6. lock please mods before some other numbskull posts a reply to a forum post they know nothing about

    miss_aria excluded of course
  7. *a Chump forum post we know nothing about
  8. You shouldn't have posted a forum then with minimal details on the situation.
  9. It has all the detail both clans need, thanks for your concern...now go play on a freeway
  10. I cannot find this "smooth" player you're talking about. What is his/her full name?
  11. llIIllMDK_SM00TH_MDKllIIll
  12. Can be found at MDK 
    GO Smoothie, you're a machine.
  13. CF accepted! Pay no attention to the trolls!

    Smooth Criminal
  14. Apology in forums, cool though I'd rather message them instead
  15. 
  16. Way to keep on your clan targets smoothsilk.
  17. figured I'd give u 24 hrs out of pin so you remember what it feels like superman65

    Smooth criminal
  18. Superman, how about that war we just got out of