Apology to -ShadowAssassin-

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LeviathanLSA, Aug 7, 2013.

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  1. Yea right, did you guys really think i would say sorry?? :lol:

    This all started when i said Trouble (see TFK thread) could be forum banned for being racist against French people, which in my interpretation he clearly violated the ToU.
    Assassin then called me a noob because "of the way i interpret the ToU" o_O

    So, i hit him, he hit back, etc. Now, I've pinned him at least 10 times in the past 2 days :lol:
    Don't get me wrong, he's pinned me too.

    I will not be apologizing to you at anytime, no matter what changes you make to your build. You called me a noob, which i am clearly not, and you will pay. All you had to do was simply apologize. I didn't even care how! :lol:

    But no, you pushed the situation by saying i should apologize to you! How ridiculous is that?

    So, guess what? I'm coming after you. Expect to see me in your newsfeed many, many times. ๎„
  2. Well, you now made it public. So now Shadow will kick your ass.
  3. I'd like to see him try. He did kind of ask for this thread :lol:
  4. You are a noob though. :roll:
  5. Shadow Account?
  6. Jesus is right..
  7. Shadow Account is gone. The player -ShadowAssassin-.
  8. Facepalm......
  9. Now that it's public. Your ass is gonna need ice after he gets done whipping you
  10. You know 7 pots isn't that much.
  11. Maybe you should clarify by putting, '7 types of pots'
  12. Yo... You know who shadowassassin is?
  13. He'll, like, send his marsh babies after you.
  14. wub wub wub
  15. Deadly ๎’
  16. OP has burned 7 of my pots, oh noes!
    Oh wait, I bought more๎’
  17. :lol:

    Support to a fellow shadow!
  18. OP is a dedicate follower of matg...
    Damn pagans.
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