Apology to LovelyDenial

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Tekkadan, Oct 14, 2013.

  1. RlZ~

    Dear Lovely today I challenged you to a stare down..... and from the name of this topic its obvious who won...... so here I am apologizing to you for calling you out and challenging those beautiful eyes of yours..... my eyes wernt worthy and I failed epicly... :cool: I will now wear shades to hide my eyes.

    p.s.. spank me lovely ;) spank mehhh good :D hehe
  2. Don't mess with the lovely 
  3. I still enjoyed it though o.o all those hours just staring into each others eyes ;) hehe romantic I say hehe......... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol:
  4. Mommy...who's this guy? And why does he stare at you?
  5. Staring competition, darlings.

    It's not AS creepy as it looks in OP. xD
  6. :) hey notch.....
    strawberry princess o.o
  7. Like does she have perty eyes? There's a difference between pretty and perty. Pretty is just nice but Perty is Beautiful..
  8. Mommy, can I get a cookie?
  9. weak. a real man never admits that he blinked.
  10. Megan. You're next. ;)
  11. Ō_Ō

    I challenge you.
  12. Haha okay. I'll be ready.
  13. FaceTime me. I'll beat you! Mwahahaha
  14. Once you match eyes with lovely,youll want to rip your eyes out from the sheer beauty.
  15. Don't blink. Just squint until you get watery eyes then POW. You're back in it.
  16. I wanna state you down lovely