apology to llHllAIINlIDlI-of-IlGIIOllDll

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xPyroDragonx, May 29, 2014.

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  1. I apologize for telling you i was going to kick/ban you if u did not horn because i thought u werent when you were. It was not meant as a threat or disrespect towards you it was just meant as a warning to prevent leeching. I realize i may have said it in a way that sounded like a threat and for that i am sorry. I will do better to be more polite with my warnings to prevent getting destroyed in the future  i did my best to defend against you but im too weak XD good battle. Hopefully you cf.
  2. Is this like apology Palooza?
  3. No apologize for your build
  4. hey lol im redoing it ik i suck
  5. So many apologies recently.... Must be farming Season!
  6. Get some towers, then go and piss people off.
  7. What has kaw come to? No one ever hits back!
  8. i got 1 sdt :D but i not war build; -; and i did hit back: ( i just lost XD
  9. Lesson learned, low spy defense/1 tower = chew toy to anyone. Unless you're allied like RedStar up there.
  10. Who needs towers, come at me sledge, cf granted
  11. oh: / yea i can tell lol ppl stealing from me too bad i got no gold XD but im goin for 9mil spy def now

  12. /lock
  13. yaaaaaaaay thx now i can grow sorta
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