apology to -llDlElVlAlSlTl4lIlOlNll-

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Anita_Bonghit, Oct 31, 2013.

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  1. To a great clan:

    I'm sincerely sorry. I messed up and cost you a victory. You all are an unbelievable group of warriors. Thank you for allowing me to war with you all!

    To Moose:

    I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to lash out at you. You are a well respected player and mod.


    Yes, I wasn't active for the first 35 minutes of the EE war and have no excuses. I get what I deserve from the clan.
  2. Damn devastation, that sucks. Inactive just cost us a war at SF as well. I know them feels.
  3. Hope they accept that apology bro or your so ****** 0-0
  4. So did they make you make a forum, or you did this on your own? If not the first, Honestly you could have told them you are sorry instead of making a thread. Enjoy the rest of your warring season.
  5. Anita we love you bud and when ur active ur war game is spot on. I'm sorry we had to kick but we make all stand by the rules.

    To the trolls on here do not disrespect the op he's a good person and for whatever reasons has had some inactivity. NO we did not ask him to make any sort of forum post he did so out of his own accord and honest respect for the team we have here. And no he's not ******. We r strict on what we expect from every member we r not bullies and he will not have any retaliation from us.

    Thanks Anita and good luck hun
  6. Still mighta lost, main issue is other clanmates that miss out on war who are sittin and waitin for the chance. Wasn't asked to make thread. Respect to our opponents as always :) BoyBLue
  7.  Sucks. Good luck in the future devastation
  8. Devas always a great clan 
    Somethings you have to move on love em or hate em i still respect them and same goes to me i wana apologizes to the owner (SI) for being a dumbass and also for trusting me for months i hope you forgive me until now .
    -Respect to thier members️.
  9. I messed up 3times already and I know i did the wrong move when i had to merc in a clan which i wasnt suppose to...when your clan isnt doing wars in my particular timezone.So i hope this shame i did is already forgiven.
  10. RESPECT OP...admitted was wrong and said apologies...
  11. Respect op! :D
  12. Kinda seem like bullies from his wall art
  13. My favorite is moose tough talking a 2 mil cs calling him a "loser inactive"
  14. SOTRA is a very fun clan to war. Our battles are alwaus close and exciting. I didn't mind the loss, as SOTRA fought well, using honorable and good tactics.

    The source of my irratarion was directed at you yesterday because so many people are trying to get spots in these last few wars. We have over 50 people signed up for the next one, so every seat is valuable.

    To cast and not show up struck me as disrespectful, and I felt bad for the people who busted ther ass trying to put together a great roster, only to have one person not be there. It kind of hurt the other 28 of us who made the time and effort to play.

    That being said, you seem sincere in your apology, and I can be harsh when I'm irritated. Life is to short to hold grudges. Its time to move on, so since ROXY has accepted your apology, I will too.

    I wish you the best. Good luck with the rest of the season. Want some rancor yet? Maybe try applying to SOTRA 

  15. Always love your wit Moose.

    Please lock/
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