apology to Knights of the fire emblem

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. I would like to publicly make a sincere apology to Kotfe and her allies for all the trouble and drama I have caused and dragged them into over the course of my playing KaW. I have started unnecessary fights with so many of them that it's was only a matter of time before they decided they had, had enough of me.

    That time finally came. I have lost much and ask that they call a cease fire and allow me to go about my way and KaW in peace.

    I wrongly posted a pm between nightmare and myself to forum, when indeed I should have kept it for what it was, a private message.
    Since having many conversations with nightmare since I have come to realize that he is not the monster I made him out to be, he is quite a nice guy once a person takes the time to know him.
    He most certainly is not the woman hater I made him out to be.

    So after over 1 month of farming all day and night I ask for grace to be left alone to do my thing. I am sorry Kotfe for all I have caused.
  2. Do NOT troll this thread noobs.
  3. Apology accepted
  4. Lol Alison 
  5. It's finally over, good job Alison for standing up for what you thought was right!
  6. Troll alison and you may be farmed.
  7. After such a huge deal was made out of this... I'm surprised an apology would be accepted
  8. Narnia isn't in Kotfe
  9. @Swag, I am in KotFE actually, I'm in a "temporary clan" until some spots open up. I'm getting back into BF
  10. I realize that. I'm just saying in general. I'm not necessarily a huge Kotfe fan but I don't see them just accepting a simple "I'm sorry" after months of forum drama on the issue. I'm just a noob though what do I know
  11. Wow has it really been a month already
  12. I'm wondering who's gonna be "that idiot" who decides to troll this thread.
  13. Narnia...
  14. Very classy and sincere Ali :)
  15. Anarchy, I'm not going to get into your ****. I'm tired and not in the ******* mood. Btw, I am NOT all of KotFE. She has MY apology, which is a small fraction of KotFE.
  16. As in you aren't a perm member or a Kotfe official.
  17. I was never here.

    Narnia out.
  18. A very small fraction yes indeed.

    You accept her apology, even though I doubt you did anything, just want to sound like a bad ass.

  19. Anarchy I finally can agree with you on something.