Apology threads for ee inactivity.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Yerushalaim, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. Apology threads for ee inactivity. Thank God these threads are more for public humiliation than actual, sincere apologize. If players really were sorry, they wouldn't say it than insert some lame excuse that really attempts to excuse them for their actions.

    The latest one was some guy who said he cast woc because he liked how it colored his banner and then just happened to join a clan that was waring.

    This made me wonder, though. I imagine there are a lot of these and I am curious to hear some of the worst excuses everyone has heard for why someone was inactive in ee. Post them here. Let's see some of these gems of creativity.
  2. Lol who joins a clan thats about to war having woc casted? Hmm
  3. Their iDevice exploded unexpectedly
  4. But 2 hours later they repaired it themselves!
  5. 'I casted for the wrong war'
  6. "My Internet crashed" or "I had no wifi"
  7. Don't worry…

    Once I hack the firewall moose's shock button will shock anyone's crapy post or thread.

    Just give me about like five minutes…
  8. Notice how when players are inactive, more relatives seem to die? WEIRD! SAVE YOUR RELATIVES! BE ACTIVE DURING WAR!
  9. Pets seem to suffer similar fates to relatives
  10. I never knew how important it was to be active in war. The next time my wife gives me a hard time about my silly little war game, I'm going to tell her "Baby...I'm doing this to keep you and your cat alive!"
  11. Damascus. Im just curious. Do you know roughly how much you spent in Nobs? Im always.curious when it comes to stuff like this
  12. I once heard this excuse "I was sat watching the war clock count down and I fell asleep" 
  13. I once used 'I was busy stripping you guys so you could buy pots.'

  14. Well, damn. :(
  15. my cat ate my pc and my tab and my phone sorry clan
  16. Heard once right after match up was made..... I just remembered I have a wedding to go to today 

    Who the hell forgets something like that until an hour before it starts!!!!!
  17. Dunno i forgot my best mates o maybe there are ppl like that.....